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Another Honorable Member In The News

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I see in today's paper another of the "elite" class has stood down due to "sex, drug and paid male escort" allegations. Front page news so the paper must be confident in its story, or they will be paying out a shed load of cash if this story is proved groundless.



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Yep I've seen that too.


I'll throw in my opinion:


I've no problem if any honourable member wants to indulge themselves with a prostitute, male or female.


However the issue for me is one of conflict of interest. Vaz was/is the chairman of the Home Affairs Select committee which looked into the issue of legalising poppers, which is mentioned in the Vaz news story. Is he the right person for the job if he uses them recreationally? I'll leave that for others to decide.


As far as I'm aware, Vaz has not been hypocritical about sexual issue when voting in the commons - He hasn't moralised about gay people or single mothers like some MPs - think of the back to basics scandal.


Also to bear in mind is John Whittingdale MP who was the Chair of the Media Committee. He used prostitutes & I've no problem with that. However there was felt to be a conflict of interest as he was overseeing press regulation into these matters, and on this issue, 'wasn't minded' to implement the Leveson recommendations in full. Conflict of interest? Once again I'll leave others to decide.


There's an interesting slant on the Whittingdale 'scandal' which is worth considering - https://www.opendemocracy.net/ourbeeb/james-cusick/real-whittingdale-scandal-cover-up-by-press

Edited by Mister M
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And these guys run our country,how stupid are these people.


As I said above, I've no problem with MPs visiting prostitutes. Not even George Osborne. As long as they don't moralise about others who have affairs with others, or who are gay.

However if voters re-elect them, then I would suggest it isn't the MPs that are stupid.

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Before this story broke, his nickname was 'Keith Vazeline' because of his oligineous manner and smooth demeanor.


I remember that during the parliamentary expenses scandal some time back, it was discovered that he had bought expensive silk cushions for his house, courtesy of the tax payer. And yes, he did ostentatiously welcome Romanian migrants to these shores.


However, I have no problem with what he gets up to in this private life, providing that there is no conflict of interest.

Edited by NigelFargate
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