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Nick Clegg revelations

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You do know that originally these initiation ceremonies were to cement alegiance to a particular club by making them unable to leave because the said 'indiscretion' would then either be used for blackmail or be publicly revealed and bring about the downfall of the miscreant.


So not just harmless fun after all.


How far Oxbridge (and other institutions,) have moved from this original purpose is not known.


Do you some source or further information about that claim?

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Not really. That's why he stands apart from other politicians, and why he doesn't belong to their club. And why they hate him for it...
Stands apart and doesn't belong to their club?


So, in context, what would you call him doing Diane Abbott behind his wife's back? (and that particular skeleton was very widely reported in the MSM, so Google away).

Edited by L00b
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Stands apart an doesn't belong to their club?


So what do you call him doing Diane Abbott behind his wife's back? (and that particular skeleton was very widely reported in the MSM, so Google away).


Oh, you say he's only human? Well, by that yardstick, so would be Keith Vaz I'm afraid :|



Corbyn must have the heart of a Lion and the eyesight of Stevie Wonder to tackle her. My opinion, others may think differently.



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Not really. That's why he stands apart from other politicians, and why he doesn't belong to their club. And why they hate him for it...


But you did include him. So now you suddenly don't?


You need to think carefully about how to villify people Anna....


---------- Post added 05-09-2016 at 21:18 ----------


You do know that originally these initiation ceremonies were to cement alegiance to a particular club by making them unable to leave because the said 'indiscretion' would then either be used for blackmail or be publicly revealed and bring about the downfall of the miscreant.


So not just harmless fun after all.


How far Oxbridge (and other institutions,) have moved from this original purpose is not known.


From someone who claims to be a teacher and therefore should have some insight into the mindset of adolsecent boys, your comments above show a profound ignorance of what actually was going on.


I bet you think they all stood round afterwards in trousers with the left knee missing tattooing each other with the square and compass or something...


---------- Post added 05-09-2016 at 21:20 ----------


So, in context, what would you call him doing Diane Abbott behind his wife's back?




What? Seriously?








I need to lie down.

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It's a stupid rumour put out by a spiteful man who made donations to the Party but wasn't given a cushy government job he'd expected in return. The fact he claimed he had a photo of the event but this has never materialised suggests it's all a load of cobblers.


Besides...even....even if it's true, as part of some initiation to some daft old club, it's no more weird and fetishy than a game of soggy biscuit. Is it?


No-one seriously thinks the guy digs on pigs.


---------- Post added 05-09-2016 at 19:51 ----------



Quite true Tim. I was reading about what the Lib Dems managed during their time in coalition just t'other day. Was quite a bit.


Hmmm I just wonder if the leader of another party, the Labour Party, Ed Miliband or Jeremy Corbyn, had inserted his dick in a pig's head, I seriously doubt whether the BBC news, or the newspapers, would put it down to no more than a game of 'soggy biscuit' (which in itself is vile).

Or take the allegations against the former chancellor, George Osborne. If in his callow youth, Gordon Brown had been photographed draped over a dominatrix who dabbled in cocaine, do you think that the newspapers would let it lie?

I don't necessarily think it's just a partisan issue, but a class issue. It's like I said on another thread, because Boris Johnson went on the rampage in a restaurant & smashed plates, windows etc when he was younger somehow that's high spirits. If it was a kid from a council estate in Sheffield, people on here would be calling him vermin and chavi.

Edited by Mister M
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We've been through this so many times before.

The progressives/liberals/socialists/left or whatever you want to call them do not have a monopoly on conscience or morality. That's just their delusion. Demonising one's opponents in this way is ignorant and childish. You can't engage usefully in the political debate until you accept this.


I come from "left" stock, I work in the public sector. I used to think that the "right" were bad people. Then I grew up.


Democracy is designed to channel enlightened self-interest into serving the greater good. It works to an extent.

All our politicians are a mixture of pragmatism and idealism. Some more than others. I see no indication that this is a specifically Conservative trait.


The real political debate is not about whether to enact policy to serve the greater good, but about which policy does in fact best serve the greater good.


The greatest mistake one can make in political debate is to imagine that things are simple.

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Hmmm I just wonder if the leader of another party, the Labour Party, Ed Miliband or Jeremy Corbyn, had inserted his dick in a pig's head, I seriously doubt whether the BBC news, or the newspapers, would put it down to no more than a game of 'soggy biscuit' (which in itself is vile).

Or take the allegations against the former chancellor, George Osborne. If in his callow youth, Gordon Brown had been photographed draped over a dominatrix who dabbled in cocaine, do you think that the newspapers would let it lie?

I don't necessarily think it's just a partisan issue, but a class issue. It's like I said on another thread, because Boris Johnson went on the rampage in a restaurant & smashed it up when he was younger somehow that's high spirits. If it was a kid from a council estate in Sheffield, people on here would be calling him vermin and chavi.


Who here is claiming that Boris Johnson smashing up a restaurant is 'high spirits'?

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Nobody on here. I was using Johnson's experience to elaborate on a wider point.


David Cameron did not put his penis in a pig's mouth. It was rumour spread out of spite by a buffoon who claimed he has proof. I haven't seen it. Have you?


I'm not sure of your point about class. The Cameron rumour was ignored by the grown-up media because it was ludicrous.

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