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Obama and Theresa May, yesterday.

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after what Obama said to Theresa yesterday, surely its time for a second vote. The Japanese where just as uneasy Obama, what does everyone think.


The result will be the same. Obama told Cameron what would happen and it was widely reported. The nervousness of the Japanese isn't a surprise either. Most brexiters will not see this is a problem. That said we've got the Aussies on side.

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The result will be the same. Obama told Cameron what would happen and it was widely reported. The nervousness of the Japanese isn't a surprise either. Most brexiters will not see this is a problem. That said we've got the Aussies on side.


Indeed, Obama warned that if we voted for Brexit then things would carry on exactly as they have done for centuries i.e. trading without a trade deal. A scary prospect I know.


The US has the hump that it will lose influence over the EU when it's poodle leaves the club. But it isn't going to affect trade between us because we are capitalist nations and business will not allow politics to get in the way of making money. It is all just posturing by the US. In any event, if we have been sent to the back of the queue then that is probably the best place to be when you look at the sort of terms the EU is looking to sign up to with TTIP. Now that is scary.

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after what Obama said to Theresa yesterday, surely its time for a second vote. The Japanese where just as uneasy Obama, what does everyone think.
Not gonna happen, so pointless to moot the notion.


Either May will, as she is currently doing (it seems), keep on treading the hear-nowt say-nowt line, and on kicking that can into the long grass for as long as she can get away with it (whilst continually finger-pointing her cohort of Brexit figurehead ministers to carry that can indeed), to the point where the relevance of the referendum eventually amounts to a wet fart and 'Brexit' gets quietly done away with.


Or May is intent on getting the deed done regardless, but is still trying to gather and husband as much international political clout as she can, whilst Davis and cohorts get their proverbial poo together ready to get at the negotiations.


Neither is any good for the UK in the medium term.

<...> But it isn't going to affect trade between us because we are capitalist nations and business will not allow politics to get in the way of making money. It is all just posturing by the US.
I guess we'll see about that, if much of the City should end up relocating to Dublin and Frankfurt after the UK loses its passporting rights (arguably, and thankfully, that's now starting to look unlikely, methinks May with her recent PBS noises has started softening up the UK about continuity of the freedom of movement for EU workers, on the back of which the UK may get to keep the said passporting rights).


But should that relocation happen, you'll get see how much the US values its special relationship (trading or otherwise) with the UK, relative to "making money" indeed ;)

In any event, if we have been sent to the back of the queue then that is probably the best place to be when you look at the sort of terms the EU is looking to sign up to with TTIP. Now that is scary.
You don't follow the news much, do you? Edited by L00b
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Zamo the ttip sure is scary but the german people will water all this done or they will take to the streets and stop it. in its current form it does not stand a chance.


---------- Post added 05-09-2016 at 14:07 ----------


LOOb Theresa has already stated there is no commitment to the nhs promises by the leave campaingn and just about everything else they said.

Edited by BHRemovals
spelling mistake
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Indeed, Obama warned that if we voted for Brexit then things would carry on exactly as they have done for centuries i.e. trading without a trade deal. A scary prospect I know.


The US has the hump that it will lose influence over the EU when it's poodle leaves the club. But it isn't going to affect trade between us because we are capitalist nations and business will not allow politics to get in the way of making money. It is all just posturing by the US. In any event, if we have been sent to the back of the queue then that is probably the best place to be when you look at the sort of terms the EU is looking to sign up to with TTIP. Now that is scary.

I don't see much posturing going on round here. Nobody is even breaking a sweat. Like you say, the trading will continue as it always has, and if you don't want to stay with it, I'm sure these sometimes disunited states will struggle on alone and just keep on winning Olympic games.:)
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Zamo the ttip sure is scary but the german people will water all this done or they will take to the streets and stop it. in its current form it does not stand a chance.


---------- Post added 05-09-2016 at 14:07 ----------


LOOb Theresa has already stated there is no commitment to the nhs promises by the leave campaingn and just about everything else they said.


TTIP looks dead, regardless of what the US administration says. Thank Christ.

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LOOb Theresa has already stated there is no commitment to the nhs promises by the leave campaingn and just about everything else they said.
I'm aware, BH.


It's actually quite comical, seeing her pull the rug time and again from under Davis' and Johnson's feet :D


It's too early days, so for now I'm still leaning on my first option above (earlier post), with May's political plan being to eventually snooker Davis and Johnson into admitting that Brexit can't realistically be done, and shouldering the full brunt of Schadenfreude for their campaigning lies and excesses.


TTIP looks dead, regardless of what the US administration says. Thank Christ.


That and losing Apple's tax $bns to Dublin? Talk about the US taking a paddling! No wonder Obama's sore :D

Edited by L00b
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It's actually quite comical, seeing her pull the rug time and again from under Davis' and Johnson's feet :D


It's too early days, so for now I'm still leaning on my first option above (earlier post), with May's political plan being to eventually snooker Davis and Johnson into admitting that Brexit can't realistically be done,


Unfortunately, there is a stack of ill informed Brexit voters to snooker too.


---------- Post added 05-09-2016 at 22:31 ----------


The Brexit result was unexpected and got everybody off guard. They don't like it when the Plebs assert themselves and don't do as they're told. They're bound to be resentful and a bit twitchy.


Which will backfire on the plebs when they end up worse off. ;)


The upside of it all is.


A- I cant lose either way.

B- The Tory's will cut everything to the core before raising income tax, (so if you are in receipt of any benefits get ready.) ;)

C - While Jeremy Corbyn is the Labour leader, the Tory's are going to remain in power.


Enjoy you're Brexit, but please dont come on here winging, it's what you voted for :)

Edited by Dardandec
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