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Cameron resigns

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I have a lot of respect for those party leaders who continue in their roles as Members of Parliament once they finish their roles as leaders of their parties (e.g. Edward Heath) - it shows that they have a respect for the democratic process, and don't think themselves above being a back bencher

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I have a lot of respect for those party leaders who continue in their roles as Members of Parliament once they finish their roles as leaders of their parties (e.g. Edward Heath) - it shows that they have a respect for the democratic process, and don't think themselves above being a back bencher

I partly agree with what you write. However, a lot has changed since the days of Edward Heath due mainly to 24 hour news channels, the internet etc, which means every word a former Prime Minister speaks will be analysed. Edward Heath came across as bitter towards Mrs Thatcher and wasn't really an asset to his party during his time as a back bencher.

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