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Cameron resigns

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David Cameron is taking the Chiltern Hundreds...


Manor of Norstead actually (I think they alternate, thus the next MP to resign takes the Chilterns)

Yes. Parliament's own website http://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/ says:

The Chancellor of the Exchequer appoints David Cameron to be Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead

Edited by Jeffrey Shaw
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Typically the rough rule of thumb is twice the paid salary is the employment cost.


I never understood the vitriol that people spew at others just because they are perceived as successful. I can't see Anna spouting off in the same way if it had been St Corbyn leaving...


I always use that rule of thumb, I genuinely didn't know others did. I perhaps should have said it rather than chickening out and risk being picked up on it, without any proof.


I understand the vitriol, it is a very unattractive envy. Nasty and green.

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Typically the rough rule of thumb is twice the paid salary is the employment cost.


I never understood the vitriol that people spew at others just because they are perceived as successful. I can't see Anna spouting off in the same way if it had been St Corbyn leaving...

i bet you think the likes of mike ashley and others running huge companies and paying a pittance are the bees knees :huh:

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Not if I was already stinking rich and set to become even richer. And bearing in mind £46,000 could fund 2 nurses salaries for a year, I'd either refuse it or donate it.


How do you know he will keep it? Do you assume he will because you don't like him? Because all Tories are the same? What exactly is your point? By all accounts Nick Clegg is richer through marriage than Cameron. People who are wealthy are entitled to the same terms of employment as everyone else. It's the way our non-Communist country works. I get your point, believe me. But your constant bitterness over anyone with money is tedious and can't be healthy.


Should Corbyn have given his £20,000 Iranian TV money to charity rather than spending it on his constituency office?

Edited by Santo
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Why? He's not needing to be re-elected. Get on with it and spend it.


Has it ever crossed your mind that sometimes you do things because they are the right thing to do, not because there's something in it for you...?


Just wondering.


---------- Post added 14-09-2016 at 14:34 ----------


How do you know he will keep it? Do you assume he will because you don't like him? Because all Tories are the same? What exactly is your point? By all accounts Nick Clegg is richer through marriage than Cameron. People who are wealthy are entitled to the same terms of employment as everyone else. It's the way our non-Communist country works. I get your point, believe me. But your constant bitterness over anyone with money is tedious and can't be healthy.


Should Corbyn have given his £20,000 Iranian TV money to charity rather than spending it on his constituency office?


Not bitterness at all. I want a fairer country, and I care deeply about where my taxes go to. Frankly I would rather see it go to pay for nurses or some such, than to an already mega rich person who doesn't need it. Especially in an age of cuts and austerity.

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i bet you think the likes of mike ashley and others running huge companies and paying a pittance are the bees knees :huh:


Attack ad hominem are easily dismissed merely by pointing them out.


---------- Post added 14-09-2016 at 14:41 ----------


Has it ever crossed your mind that sometimes you do things because they are the right thing to do, not because there's something in it for you...?


Just wondering.


---------- Post added 14-09-2016 at 14:34 ----------



Not bitterness at all. I want a fairer country, and I care deeply about where my taxes go to. Frankly I would rather see it go to pay for nurses or some such, than to an already mega rich person who doesn't need it. Especially in an age of cuts and austerity.


The resettlement grant is something offered to all MP's due to the often transitory nature of service. Theres very few other jobs where you get fired in public on a stage in front of TV cameras after all.


What you are saying is that you think rich people shouldn't have it. Are you really saying that wages/salary are to be means tested and if you have a bit squirrelled away in the bank for a rainy day then your employer can just decide to pay you less? Because that's what you are saying - and that's a less fair instead of a more fair society before you bring that up.

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