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Cameron resigns

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Has it ever crossed your mind that sometimes you do things because they are the right thing to do, not because there's something in it for you...?


Just wondering.


Wot, on this forum, surely not.

Cynic's abound here and everyone is judged on what they can get out of it and anyone who says different to a pinko, communist, unhealthy, tedious, nasty, green, ..............


A brief scam will also show where their sympathies lie and it says more about them than about their targets.


Cameron is an unprincipled chancer and who almost never made moral decision in his political life. His cowardice in the face of his unruly Brexiteers gave him personally a couple of years respite from Conservative bickering and gave the Nation years of pain.


He is also a bully, so Calm Down dear, Calm Down.

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Wot, on this forum, surely not.

Cynic's abound here and everyone is judged on what they can get out of it and anyone who says different to a pinko, communist, unhealthy, tedious, nasty, green, ..............


A brief scam will also show where their sympathies lie and it says more about them than about their targets.


Cameron is an unprincipled chancer and who almost never made moral decision in his political life. His cowardice in the face of his unruly Brexiteers gave him personally a couple of years respite from Conservative bickering and gave the Nation years of pain.


He is also a bully, so Calm Down dear, Calm Down.


What proof do you have that he's a bully? I've seen this claimed many times but never explained beyond the accusation.


---------- Post added 14-09-2016 at 15:38 ----------


Has it ever crossed your mind that sometimes you do things because they are the right thing to do, not because there's something in it for you...?


Just wondering.


---------- Post added 14-09-2016 at 14:34 ----------



Not bitterness at all. I want a fairer country, and I care deeply about where my taxes go to. Frankly I would rather see it go to pay for nurses or some such, than to an already mega rich person who doesn't need it. Especially in an age of cuts and austerity.


What makes you so sure he will keep it? What makes you think if he gave it away it would make the news? Is it beyond the realms of possibility that he will quietly donate it to a good cause with no fanfare? Nor is it beyond the realms of possibility that he will keep it, as he is entitled to under the terms of the job he did. A job he was elected to do. Not by you, but my more people than nominated anyone else. The plurality of the electorate.


Not all pensioners need the heating allowance. They keep it.


Should Jeremy Corbyn have given his £20k Iranian TV pay cheque to the poor rather than spend it on his constituency office?

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Yes he may have donated it and not want it made public. Good on him if he has.


But actually my question goes deeper than that. Why are ex MPs entitled to £46,000 when they leave office in the first place? They have been well paid, plus expenses, plus various very generous allowances and concessions, and will hardly be long out of a job with all the contacts they have made. Pensioners are not in that position. Ever.

If MPs are entitled to anything at all, ( and personally I'm not sure they're entitled to anything,) it should be no more than, say, the average annual wage which I believe is just over the £23,000 mark and that's pushing it.


Same with Jeremy Corbyn. He may have donated it, who knows, but he isn't rich like Cameron. Nevertheless £20,000 seems an awful lot of money for giving a single speech, and makes the rest of us who have to work all year for that much money look like mugs. But then all money seems to have lost its meaning /value, and IMO it will come back to bite us in the bum unless somebody does something to narrow the disparity.

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Yes he may have donated it and not want it made public. Good on him if he has.


But actually my question goes deeper than that. Why are ex MPs entitled to £46,000 when they leave office in the first place? They have been well paid, plus expenses, plus various very generous allowances and concessions, and will hardly be long out of a job with all the contacts they have made. Pensioners are not in that position. Ever.

If MPs are entitled to anything at all, ( and personally I'm not sure they're entitled to anything,) it should be no more than, say, the average annual wage which I believe is just over the £23,000 mark and that's pushing it.


Same with Jeremy Corbyn. He may have donated it, who knows, but he isn't rich like Cameron. Nevertheless £20,000 seems an awful lot of money for giving a single speech, and makes the rest of us who have to work all year for that much money look like mugs. But then all money seems to have lost its meaning /value, and IMO it will come back to bite us in the bum unless somebody does something to narrow the disparity.


By all accounts Cameron isn't getting the lucrative pension he would be entitled to. He changed the legislation himself.


£46k is a large relocation allowance. It's WAY more than I've ever got. But it's what ALL MP's are entitled to, rich or poor.


An MP's salary isn't huge. The expenses are generous. But I bet Cameron would have earned more if he stayed in PR at ITV or wherever he worked before.


At one time MPs weren't paid at all. So being from a rich family helped. I'm sure you wouldn't advocate going back to those days?


Yes, Jeremy didn't keep the money. It went to his constituency office he says.

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What proof do you have that he's a bully? I've seen this claimed many times but never explained beyond the accusation.


'Put on a proper suit, do up your tie and sing the national anthem' - Pathetic and this was our PM. The mask slipped . . . again.

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Yes he may have donated it and not want it made public. Good on him if he has.


But actually my question goes deeper than that. Why are ex MPs entitled to £46,000 when they leave office in the first place?


Ever heard of a concept called redundancy?


It's something applied to everyone. You assume that all MPs are rolling in it. What if you stood to be an MP? Wouldn't you like to know that if a election was suddenly called you wouldn't be destitute on leaving?


I'd also like an answer to the previous question I note you conveniently ignored. Any chance of one?

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'Put on a proper suit, do up your tie and sing the national anthem' - Pathetic and this was our PM. The mask slipped . . . again.


That all you got as an example of bullying? Seriously? It's the one you gave so the one I assume you think it is the worst.


Is Corbyn so precious??


How about some balance?





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That all you got as an example of bullying? Seriously? It's the one you gave so the one I assume you think it is the worst.


Is Corbyn so precious??


How about some balance?






You can assume what you like but don't put words into my replies.

This isn't about Corbyn unless you're saying 2 wrongs make a right.

Balance? Do you want me to say something nice about him?? Get real.


I accept my evidence is weak but I contend that it would be hard to find evidence of Mrs T calling people 'wet' or being nasty to them but you can't fool all of the people all of the time and by the time she was done everyone knew the type of person she was. The term 'handbagging' was coined to describe her style.


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a Duck!

Cameron is a bully and everyone knows it. Try this, PM-v-Local Councillor:-




..... there is are better examples out there. I continue to search but I don't think I will convince you.

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You can assume what you like but don't put words into my replies.

This isn't about Corbyn unless you're saying 2 wrongs make a right.

Balance? Do you want me to say something nice about him?? Get real.


I accept my evidence is weak but I contend that it would be hard to find evidence of Mrs T calling people 'wet' or being nasty to them but you can't fool all of the people all of the time and by the time she was done everyone knew the type of person she was. The term 'handbagging' was coined to describe her style.


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a Duck!

Cameron is a bully and everyone knows it. Try this, PM-v-Local Councillor:-




..... there is are better examples out there. I continue to search but I don't think I will convince you.


There are better examples yet you provide a link to a story which doesn't accuse him of bullying? Why's that then? Arrogant and heavy handed yes, bullying no.


No, two wrongs don't make a right. If you accuse someone of bullying back it up. You haven't. As I say a few people on this forum accuse Cameron of being a bully (Anna B is another) but do not provide evidence.


I provide evidence of Corbyn actually being accused of bullying as a counter. Not some keyboard warrior conditioned to loath Tories like you but an accusation from an MP. Maybe the irony is lost on you.

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