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Making a Will ..

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If you make a will and there is no property involved, can this be administered without an solicitor? How can safeguards be kept on the executor to make sure they carry out your instructions?

Does a solicitor keep a copy of the will?

Any Will can be personally administered, if the Personal Representative concerned knows what he/she is doing.

Safeguards: a beneficiary has enforcement rights against the PR.

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If you make a will and there is no property involved, can this be administered without an solicitor? How can safeguards be kept on the executor to make sure they carry out your instructions?

Does a solicitor keep a copy of the will?


Send a copy of the Will once you have made it to all the beneficiaries....:)

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If you make a will and there is no property involved, can this be administered without an solicitor? How can safeguards be kept on the executor to make sure they carry out your instructions?

Does a solicitor keep a copy of the will?


Any will can be. Often no need of the estate is small enough and the executor is reasonably switched on.


What Jeffrey said. Also you get to pick someone, so you cna choose someone trustworthy.


Not if they dont have anything to do with it.


Thye might keep a file copy , just for their files only, unless you ask them to keep an original.

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Not if they dont have anything to do with it.


Eh? Are you saying that the person you choose to be the executor, can't be included in your will? :huh:


Also, if you do decide to use a solicitor, does the solicitor keep a record on file?


---------- Post added 13-09-2016 at 22:44 ----------


Send a copy of the Will once you have made it to all the beneficiaries....:)


The problem there is that, could open up a can of worms.

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Poppet2, the executor can be one of the beneficiaries.


When you write a will and sign it, there has to be two witnesses that sign it when you sign. These witnesses cannot be beneficiaries.


Sending a copy of the will to each of the beneficiaries could open a can of worms. But, so could an executor that becomes greedy/jealous. What does one do. There are many people that are ok until money is involved. Feel free to PM me. I have a similar (potential) dilemma as you do.

Edited by Janus
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Eh? Are you saying that the person you choose to be the executor, can't be included in your will? :huh:


Also, if you do decide to use a solicitor, does the solicitor keep a record on file?


---------- Post added 13-09-2016 at 22:44 ----------



The problem there is that, could open up a can of worms.


Oh yes I well agree... Mine is simple it just gets divided into three equal chunks, and there are three executors, all of whom are beneficiaries.


For more contentious ones it could be tricker to do naturally.


---------- Post added 13-09-2016 at 23:07 ----------



Poppet2, the executor can be one of the beneficiaries. When you write a will and sign it, there has to be two witnesses that sign it when you sign. These witnesses cannot be beneficiaries.


Nor can the witnesses spouses if I recall correctly.

Edited by mort
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Send a copy of the Will once you have made it to all the beneficiaries....:)


The problem there is that, could open up a can of worms.

Also: a Will can be revoked [by destruction or even, impliedly, by marriage], amended [by Codicil], or replaced [by new Will].


So what the Testator circulates cannot be relied-upon; it's never guaranteed the final version unless he/she died leaving it still unrevoked/unamended/unreplaced.

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