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Debate etiquette

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Basic understanding and tolerance of other people view's are the main ingredients for healthy debate.


Very true. If you don't understand the alternative viewpoints, then you don't have anything to counter said viewpoints. It's no good replying to a reasoned argument in a post with a one word answer (or a selection of dancing bananas) then expect further discussion.


I'm of the opinion that word or two word replies or cherry picking an unrelated part of a post to derail the thread are deliberate tactics to say 'hey, I'm here, look at me, I've nothing to say but I had to comment' and that's usually when an intelligent reasoned discussion goes down the pan.

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Ban the dancing banana. It serves no purpose to any debate.


Senator I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy. Dancing banana!


Doesn't work does it?


The dancing banana is useful as an instant indicator of the user's intelligence. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than post the dancing banana and remove all doubt.


I also think people should construct proper sentences when posting on the forum.


A prolific dancing banana


User on here consistently


Splits his posts


Up into seperate lines.


It's daft!


Text speak is not allowed on the forum so why does this nonsense go unchallenged?

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Using the phrase 'end of' is irritating and should be outlawed.


Basically it's saying, 'I've made my point but refuse to engage further in case it's too difficult for me.'


I also deplore the use of FACT eg:


Dogs are smelly, cats are graceful. FACT.


That's saying: my opinion is true and I need not supply evidence. I loath it. You see it often on HYS on the Beeb.

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Using the phrase 'end of' is irritating and should be outlawed.


Basically it's saying, 'I've made my point but refuse to engage further in case it's too difficult for me.'


I also deplore the use of FACT eg:


Dogs are smelly, cats are graceful. FACT.


That's saying: my opinion is true and I need not supply evidence. I loath it. You see it often on HYS on the Beeb.


I agree on the fact thing. Can't recall seeing 'end of' but seems like much the same thing.

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Using the phrase 'end of' is irritating and should be outlawed.


Basically it's saying, 'I've made my point but refuse to engage further in case it's too difficult for me.'


I also deplore the use of FACT eg:


Dogs are smelly, cats are graceful. FACT.


That's saying: my opinion is true and I need not supply evidence. I loath it. You see it often on HYS on the Beeb.


Yes, claiming an opinion is a FACT is annoying but the use of FACT can help to nudge on a debate by reminding people what we already know and agree on.


'End of' is more annoying but I wouldn't outlaw it either... I don't like censorship and that is by far the biggest 'etiquette' issue. Far too many posts get deleted because those with no counter argument report them as offensive. It doesn't matter whether the opinion is legitimate or backed up with evidence. Obviously, anything associated with religion or culture is particularly tricky ground but the fact is (see, I'm doing that thing now!) that there are problems with all religions and cultures and criticism and debate should not be off limits even if it inevitably offends some people.

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