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Who will replace Labour as the main "progressive" voice in parliament?

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34 members have voted

  1. 1. See thread title

    • The Liberal Democrats
    • A Labour break-away party
    • The SNP (a change of remit required there)
    • UKIP (substantial change in policy platform required one would think)
    • Another of the existing small parties
    • A brand new party
    • An Alliance of two or more of the above
    • I remain hopeful that Labour will survive its current problems

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Well clearly he is no right wing politician, but you are a raving maxist. But the sad thing about the labour party is they are destroying themselves for no reason.

Owen Smith is no more electable than corbin. The only candidates that can get past the selection process are unelectable commies.

So whoever wins the contest the tories are the real winner. Whoever wins the labour party will have a civil war, and the one thing history tells us about civil wars is that every casualty is one of your own.

Let the blood letting commence.


Sorry, I meant left wing, as you know.


If anybody can give me a reason why they chose Owen Smith to run for the leadership I'd be pleased to hear it. Who on earth do they have on the selection committee and why would they pick a complete non-starter?

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It wouldn't be the first time the Westminster bubble was totally out of touch with the electorate.


'Comrade' Corbyn is not 'far right socialist,' although it suits them and the media to portray him as such, any more than I am a raving Marxist. He simply represents the ordinary working class man and woman who haven't had an active voice in parliament for years. And we can't have the lowly Plebs making waves can we?


I'm an ordinary working class man and I find it mildly offensive that you think corbyn represents me. I won't be the only one.

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It wouldn't be the first time the Westminster bubble was totally out of touch with the electorate.


'Comrade' Corbyn is not 'far right socialist,' although it suits them and the media to portray him as such, any more than I am a raving Marxist. He simply represents the ordinary working class man and woman who haven't had an active voice in parliament for years. And we can't have the lowly Plebs making waves can we?


He certainly never represented me, and many of my friends would be equally horrified to be represented by a left wing IRA apologist who can't even lie straight in bed. Or for that matter on the floor of a train.


Comrade Corbyn is just that. He's a far left Marxist ideologue with a support party that is basically a Trotsky entryist mob trying the same trick all over again that Militant tried in the 1980's? Where did that get them? Oh yes a load of surcharged councillors -two large cities that were utter holes that are only just recovering over 30 years later and a split in the middle of the Labour party so wide it was 15 years before they got back into power.


And he wants to do the same again. Madness.

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He certainly never represented me, and many of my friends would be equally horrified to be represented by a left wing IRA apologist who can't even lie straight in bed. Or for that matter on the floor of a train.


Comrade Corbyn is just that. He's a far left Marxist ideologue with a support party that is basically a Trotsky entryist mob trying the same trick all over again that Militant tried in the 1980's? Where did that get them? Oh yes a load of surcharged councillors -two large cities that were utter holes that are only just recovering over 30 years later and a split in the middle of the Labour party so wide it was 15 years before they got back into power.


And he wants to do the same again. Madness.


Ok, I should have said Corbyn represents some of the working class. Apologies.


As for everything else, I think you're totally wrong. Corbyn is nothing like the militants of the 1980's. As for the 2 large cities that were 'utter holes,' I think you'll find that was a lot to do with Thatcher's policies, (in power 1979 - 1990) and it was she who provoked the rise of the militant tendency.

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Ok, I should have said Corbyn represents some of the working class. Apologies.


As for everything else, I think you're totally wrong. Corbyn is nothing like the militants of the 1980's. As for the 2 large cities that were 'utter holes,' I think you'll find that was a lot to do with Thatcher's policies, (in power 1979 - 1990) and it was she who provoked the rise of the militant tendency.

Citizen Smith lampooning the militants ran from 1977-1980.


Thatcher came to power in 1979.


The problem with UK politics is that Labour take role of the Left/Liberal party but they are at heart a far left party.


So we get lots of people who consider themselves Liberal (the actual Liberal party has been a joke for the best part of 50 years) gravitating to Labour but then getting very confused when other people point out that at heart Labour are a bunch of Trotyskyite chancers that want massive state interference in everything.


UK politics is not black and white/Left and Right. Lots of people get confused about this.

Edited by Jonny5
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Citizen Smith lampooning the militants ran from 1977-1980.


Thatcher came to power in 1979.


The problem with UK politics is that Labour take role of the Left/Liberal party but they are at heart a far left party.


So we get lots of people who consider themselves Liberal (the actual Liberal party has been a joke for the best part of 50 years) gravitating to Labour but then getting very confused when other people point out that at heart Labour are a bunch of Trotyskyite chancers that want massive state interference in everything.


UK politics is not black and white/Left and Right. Lots of people get confused about this.


Labour have always claimed to represent the working class. In reality they represent the public sector unions.

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Labour have always claimed to represent the working class. In reality they represent the public sector unions.

Which is where there is more confusion. The Unions originally did work for the working class. Now they work to keep themselves rich by making sure their me members keep paying their Union fees. They do thos by peddling scare stories to their members about how everyone is out to get them. It's a thoroughly abusive relationship.


Obviously Corbyn isn't to blame for this behaviour. He's just a dopey middle class E grade student who dropped out of Uni.

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Which is where there is more confusion. The Unions originally did work for the working class. Now they work to keep themselves rich by making sure their me members keep paying their Union fees. They do thos by peddling scare stories to their members about how everyone is out to get them. It's a thoroughly abusive relationship.


Obviously Corbyn isn't to blame for this behaviour. He's just a dopey middle class E grade student who dropped out of Uni.


Dropped out of Uni, went straight into politics and has never done anything else. How then I wonder did he manage to get himself in a position to demolish the Labour party as some kind of anti-establishment "not from the Westminster bubble" figurehead when he's exactly the reverse.

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Dropped out of Uni, went straight into politics and has never done anything else. How then I wonder did he manage to get himself in a position to demolish the Labour party as some kind of anti-establishment "not from the Westminster bubble" figurehead when he's exactly the reverse.


Exactly, I wonder that myself. I can't think of many MP's who are less entrenched in the Westminster bubble than Corbyn.


Because he wears a tatty suit and makes jam (despite apparently not eating biscuits because of the sugar) a lot of deluded people somehow thinks that makes him a 'man of the people'.

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