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Police action on motorists endangering cyclists

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You need to spend a month driving around Sheffield for 10 hours a day, your opinion might be different after that. A lot of idiots on cycles on Sheffield roads, but to read some replies about cyclist how they can do no wrong you would think a rainbow shone out of their backsides.

Perhaps you should spend a month cycling round Sheffield 10 hours a day to see what you think when you've experienced what cyclists have to put up with.

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I was overtaken far too closely on Gleadless Road by a car that then pulled in front of me and parked up. As I cycled past, I politely said to the 2 women inside (the window was open as it was a hot day) "You just passed me far too closely" and left it at that, cycling on. I was met with a tirade of abuse, was called a <removed> and all sorts of obscenities were screamed at me for a considerable time as I pedalled away.


What on earth is wrong with some motorists and their attitude to cyclists?:huh:

Edited by nikki-red
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You need to spend a month driving around Sheffield for 10 hours a day, your opinion might be different after that. A lot of idiots on cycles on Sheffield roads, but to read some replies about cyclist how they can do no wrong you would think a rainbow shone out of their backsides.


So spending 10 hrs a day driving, how many drivers do you see speeding, running lights, making illegal turns, tailgating? And how many cyclists do you see running lights or using the pavement?

I don't spend 10 hrs a day driving, but I see more bad driving than cycling and I can't imagine that spending more time on the road would alter the proportion at all.


---------- Post added 30-07-2017 at 21:54 ----------


I was overtaken far too closely on Gleadless Road by a car that then pulled in front of me and parked up. As I cycled past, I politely said to the 2 women inside (the window was open as it was a hot day) "You just passed me far too closely" and left it at that, cycling on. I was met with a tirade of abuse, was called a <removed> and all sorts of obscenities were screamed at me for a considerable time as I pedalled away.


What on earth is wrong with some motorists and their attitude to cyclists?:huh:


I shook my head at a driver who started to turn across cross me at a junction before stopping (when she noticed me), to see her then mouth an obscenity at me.


I've also had to drive to Manchester and back twice this weekend, I've been held up by bikes no times at all (although I overtook quite a few). I've been held up by people doing 35 mph on the A57 for what probably adds up to about 40 minutes! And we're talking about 35 on the straight bits, not just the corners, in the dry and the sunshine, not the rain. Amusingly one 40mph driver came down all the way to Glossop at 40, and then straight into the 30 zone and carried on, at 40. I guess that's the only speed his car can do.

Edited by Cyclone
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You need to spend a month driving around Sheffield for 10 hours a day, your opinion might be different after that. A lot of idiots on cycles on Sheffield roads, but to read some replies about cyclist how they can do no wrong you would think a rainbow shone out of their backsides.


You're driving a lot of hours there if your doing that every day for a month without a break.


You don't say what trade you are in , Taxi, PSV, HGV, Van but It might be worth checking if any rules around driving hours apply to you.

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Yesterday going to Matlock I encountered a clump of cyclists between Bakewll and Matlock who were intent on being between 2 and 3 abreast so they could have a chat .A bit annoying ,but what the hell.However the amount of motorists who have a dislike of slowing down or even stopping if necessary is unreal.The amount of car drivers that wish to give a cyclist a fair bit of room only to find that the motorist overtaking on double white central lines either on a straight run or worst of all on a bend causing me to take avoiding action.The thing is my intention is to get out on my re conditioned bike to help shed a few pounds ,but seeing some strange driving stunts make me slightly aprehensive to say the least.

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I was knocked off my bike nearly 2 years ago, and I never really got back into it in the same way. I have been feeling increasingly uncomfortable riding on the road, and a dangeously close overtake by a lorry the other day was enough for me. I just thought 'that's it, I'm done' I love cycling but I just don't feel safe on the roads...



I hope you,re OK now. Sorry to hear you were know off too. It's difficult getting back on.

Can I ask, do/ did you ride as if everyone were a second away from knocking you off your bike?


Yes? Well damn them for knocking you off.

No? Well damn them for knocking you off. I appreciate you don't want a to get back on a bike at the minute. But maybe in time you,ll get a bit of freewheeling nostalgia. I,d recommend lookingvfir a course teaching how to ride defensively- ie as if everyone were trying to kill you? No well, by doing so I,ve found I,ve taken less risks eg possible dodgy manoeuvre ahead? - I,LL let the bike drift on more slowly, give em a bit more time. Turning right?BIG hand gestures. Own the lane. General cycling- stay out of the gutter. The grounds rougher in the gutter -specially in Sheffield- does the council EVER redo the London Rd -oops sorry pet peeve.


Anyway here's a link explaining defensive cycling. The article is applicable to both(all?) sexes.



Sheffield council offer training for children and adults, although it maybe be too basic for you. But either them of a cycle shop may know of some defensive cycling courses.




Either way,best of luck.

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Not sure if anyone saw this article in the star http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/cyclists-praise-safe-pass-plan-in-sheffield-1-8678512


"Sheffield's cycling fraternity is welcoming a police plan to adopt a 'safe pass' plan in the city, but warn it won't be a magic solution to problems between drivers and riders. The plan, launched today by South Yorkshire Police, will help ensure drivers give cyclists adequate space - 1.5 metres - when passing them on the road.


Police community support officers will hit the Sheffield and Doncaster streets, recording footage from their bicycles. Officers will then review the footage and investigate any motorists deemed to be driving too closely to cyclists."

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Good to see.


I am still a little doubtful regarding the meaning of "PCSOs on cycle patrol".


Uniformed officers will be less effective than unmarked patrols.


Will they not be in civvies for this operation? It's entirely pointless if they won't.

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