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Police action on motorists endangering cyclists

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How many times a day do you see cyclists riding dangerously and breaking the law?


Quite a few times each day, actually. The number of cyclists riding on pavements and footpaths is reaching epidemic proportions round here. That is simultaneously dangerous to pedestrians and illegal.


And how many times a day do you see motorists driving dangerously and breaking the law?


Loads too. The standard of driving seems to be deteriorating very quickly. As does the standard of law enforcement.


We really could do with a push on poor driving, red light jumping, dangerous overtaking etc. As well as on poor cycling, riding on pavements, ignoring road signs etc.

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cyclists ?? almost daily but at least motorists have insurance when it all goes wrong:roll: i give the minimum room actually no i ignore them, they are a hazard to traffic and pedestrians:rant:


Then not only are you a boring troll but you are a law breaker as well.

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Then not only are you a boring troll but you are a law breaker as well.


He did say he gives cyclist the minimum room, which is 1.5 m. So not breaking the law.


---------- Post added 16-09-2016 at 21:37 ----------


I do believe that once the publicity is over it will go the way of maximum parking distance from the kerb and not driving on the right when the left lane is empty.

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I'm glad this is getting some publicity, as there are many drivers who fail to leave adequate space.


I think that some road designs make the matter worse by enticing drivers to think that cyclists don't need much room. Cycle lanes are rarely wide enough to allow a car in the next lane to give a cycle a wide enough margin. A driver in their lane is often too close to a cyclist in the cycle lane. Ones which are particularly bad, in my opinion, are those on Bramall Lane and Clarkehouse Road. Drivers may feel it is OK to use their lane in the face of oncoming traffic, and in doing so run too close to the cycle lane. In many cases, it would be safer if the cycle lane were not there.

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just out of curiosity how do you pay to be on the road?


you do realise your VED does not go for roads, its just general taxation. and it has not been a "road tax" since 1938


It's due to change next year as the money is going back into the roads.

I'm not sure if they're sticking with the VED name or going back to 'road tax' though??

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I've been put off by too many close calls. I used to cycle most days, and it makes me sad that I don't do it any longer.

I was knocked off my bike nearly 2 years ago, and I never really got back into it in the same way. I have been feeling increasingly uncomfortable riding on the road, and a dangeously close overtake by a lorry the other day was enough for me. I just thought 'that's it, I'm done' I love cycling but I just don't feel safe on the roads when there are so many dangerous drivers about.


---------- Post added 16-09-2016 at 23:49 ----------


It's due to change next year as the money is going back into the roads.

I'm not sure if they're sticking with the VED name or going back to 'road tax' though??


Whatever they decide to call it, 'car tax' is normally based on emissions so cyclists be exempt anyway (like some electric and low emission cars are too) It'd just be a load of red tape for no reason, and would end up costing the taxpayers money to administrate it. Would this be paid for out of drivers' 'road tax'?

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It's due to change next year as the money is going back into the roads.

I'm not sure if they're sticking with the VED name or going back to 'road tax' though??


Whilst this is true the funding will only go towards the Strategic Road network which is motorways and major trunk routes which is 2% of all roads. Local roads will remain funded through general taxation.http://http://highwaysmagazine.co.uk/chancellor-announces-new-roads-fund/


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