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The tip of the iceberg?

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If someone makes a poor choice they end up with two children.

Or even three children. Children having children. Just because someone had 18th birthday doesn't mean they are grown adults.

Women who turn to IVF should have mental health thoroughly examined.

If they are afraid of men maybe a crime should be reported.

Maybe some counselling is in order.

Maybe some underlying mental health issue needs to be treated.

Normal healthy women are not afraid of men. Period.


I really don't understand the point you are trying to make here. Are you saying women shouldn't have a right to decide whether they want children or not because if they do it via IVF instead of standard relations they are automatically afraid of men?


What about men using surrogate mothers? Is that because they are afraid of women?

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I really don't understand the point you are trying to make here. Are you saying women shouldn't have a right to decide whether they want children or not because if they do it via IVF instead of standard relations they are automatically afraid of men?


What about men using surrogate mothers? Is that because they are afraid of women?


Let me point you to OP


Twenty-five young women in the UK, all of whom are hetereosexual and in their twenties, have opted for IVF in the past five years because they feel ready to be a parent, doctors told the Mail on Sunday.


Some who have had the "virgin births" said they made the decision because they were still waiting for the right partner - and a few said they were afraid of sex owing to psychosexual complications.

A survey in 2013 claimed that one in every 200 women in the US reported to have become pregnant without having had sexual intercourse.


I wonder if they could get IVF for free? Are we heading for a future where babies will be born in a laboratory?

This should be stopped, before it gets more popular.




Whole thing is about distressed women who got IVF.

There surely were more then 5 cases of IVF a year.

It's just that those five were mistreated by healthcare system.

They got IVF when they needed psychiatrist or some other help.

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As with many things the Japanese society is ahead of the curve with this. Part of emancipation is that women want a self-deterministic right, which in my opinion is absolutely fine. If they don't want a man, they don't want a man, no issue at all.


What about the child wanting a father?

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"To answer the question. No it should not be free, but really it is no way to bring up a child anyway. A balanced relationship between a man and a woman is the way to go. If a woman has suffered abuse I would say, seek counseling" (spilldig ).


in your opinion. What other types of relationships are able to flourish and are conducive to the raising of children ?


I do believe the Vatican is opposed to IVF.


I would say marriage between a man and a woman is the best but anything besides that or a man and woman in a long term relationship is a no no for me. Of course unfortunately relationships can break down but at least it's the correct way to bring a child into the world even if sometimes it can go wrong.

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I hope this is not too much off topic. So why do you think the traditional monogamous hetrosexual family, is superior to any other arrangement for the raising of children-when there is so much abuse that takes place in the family ?



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Whole thing is about distressed women who got IVF.

There surely were more then 5 cases of IVF a year.

It's just that those five were mistreated by healthcare system.

They got IVF when they needed psychiatrist or some other help.


Who says it wasnt a psychiatrist pointing them towards IVF? Jumping to conclusions as usual Orzel.


What about the child wanting a father?


Exactly. What the child wants or what might be best for them doesn't enter into it. This is about what the mother wants. And she wants a child so she shall have one, come hell or high water.


Welcome to the 1950s where people were happily married forever and nobody ever got divorced and all children were happy and self-determined in their future.


I'd much rather see single woman make the conscious decision to have a child than drunk teenagers accidentally ending up with one, don't you?

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What about the child wanting a father?


What about it? Its 2016 not 1930.


A loving and responsible person (or persons) raising a child in a good way in an appropriate environment is what matters.


The gender and sexuality of those people should make sod all difference.


Children are raised in many different ways in the modern world. Homosexual couples of both genders, many more single parents from both genders and in some cases even other relatives are raising another family member's child.


The world has moved on from the ye olde man+woman+2 children family make up.


If a person who has suitable means, homelife and responsibility chooses to have/raise a child why shouldn't they.


I would rather have people like than than two hetrosexual nuckle draggers having an unprotected shag, breading multiple unplanned children then proceeding to sponge of the state for 20 years to raise them.

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Welcome to the 1950s where people were happily married forever and nobody ever got divorced and all children were happy and self-determined in their future.


I'd much rather see single woman make the conscious decision to have a child than drunk teenagers accidentally ending up with one, don't you?


Certainly, drunk teenagers generally don't make the best parents I have to agree. But just because someone makes a conscious decision to do something, doesn't mean that everything will turn out ok. I've known younger people who got off to a rough start and ended up being great parents, and an older couple who adopted a child late in life who were not so great parents.


My personal theory of why is that the younger couple hadn't experienced life as fully fledged adults. In other words, they'd never tasted the freedom of child free life, so didn't miss it.The older couple had had too many years of freedom, and couldn't adjust to the captivity of a messy house, constant demands on their time and drained bank accounts.


Like a lot of things, this should be handled on a case by case basis. Just because someone wants something, doesn't necessarily mean they should have it.

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