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Do you feel more or less patriotic since the EU Referendum ?

Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?

    • More patriotic
    • Less patriotic
    • No difference

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It certainly is. Especially when they have grouped in a load of workers in as 'deserved', when we don't know how these men and women voted.


Doesn't surprise me though. The only reason I posted it was because I recognise the poster quoting me yesterday and hasn't responded to my response. Strikes me as trolling to a small extent.


Don't ignore the very real prospect of turkeys voting for Christmas though. I spoke to a Welsh chap bemoaning the fact there are no quotas on Chinese steel. I didn't have the heart to tell him the UK vetoed an EU move to do so. Or Cornish people who get stacks of EU money - I'm amazed the vote wasn't about 75-25 let alone barely 1% in it. They're not getting any from central government are they!



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How do you know what the factory workers voted for?
Who the f cares? Like Leavers like to claim so loudly and assertively, it's democracy, innit?


Most will have missed my earlier mention on here that Nissan-Renault just took control of Mitsubishi t'other week. That new Tri-alliance clocks in at 3 or 4 times the total production capacity of the UK and is now the world's second largest automaker. And Ghosn gets the Mitsubishi top job on top of the Nissan-Renault top jobs.


It's a very easy situation: May does as Ghosn says, or else Sunderland gets it. Tons of spare capacity outside the UK.


I'm comfortably with ez8004 on this one. You break it, you've bought it, whether you wanted it or not. Bit more Schadenfreude the Leavers'way each time, until it sinks in.

Edited by L00b
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What have you lot turned into?




I would think it's doubtful that the company would be encouraging the Nissan workers to vote out wouldn't you? But either way, without this knowledge [of who voted for what], it's just grouping people together, and treating them all the same regardless of any further information. If it is was colour or race we were talking about, you'd be the racists.


I bet most, and their immediate families/ plus all the work that comes from it and their families voted remain. Add in the affluent areas. Easy to get 51k votes.


Ironic that in here whenever I complained about my voting preference weakness in elections because I live in a Labour stronghold, I'm told tough... And yet here you all telling the same people in the minority tough, even though 51k agreed with you. It's same old leftie logic - if you don't agree with us, then you must ALL be wrong.


Given the forum in the last months, I'd say the most hatred in the split vote, is from the remain, but in particular the leftie part of the remainers.


It stinks of passive-aggressive behaviour.

Edited by *_ash_*
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What have you lot turned into?



"us lot"? I only speak for myself, my good man.


As for "turning", nope, no turning at all here. Called all the borking to come months and weeks pre-referendum, and of course it's all happening as expected due to the outcome. And it hasn't really started yet, bear that in mind.


Though like ez, I'm a staunch believer in one's personal responsibility for oen's actions. That tends to colour my outlook on things...wherein people who shoot themselves in the foot have only themselves to blame, and become really amusing when they were told that it would hurt beforehand, yet still pulled the trigger and now complain that it hurts. Failarmy material.


LOLZ? You bet: I've just watched May reloading both barrels in Brussels this week! :D


PS-EDIT: just seen your edit; did you just call me a passive-aggressive Leftie? Hahahahahahaha!!! :hihi:

Edited by L00b
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btw... I edited more into that post after you quoted it tin.


but to respond:



I wouldn't say all of remainers have this view. I hope the UK shorn of shackles of "hated" (TM Daily express) EU will soar economically, socially and ecologically.


I just think we're borked.


If you mean we're screwed, then we're talking on the same page.


My only slight difference in view is that when the EU collapses - which as you know is my belief - we'll be less screwed than the ones that stick it out*




*though Germany, and maybe Netherlands will do as well as us in the global catastrophe. France Portugal Spain and Italy will most likely follow us in the near future


---------- Post added 22-10-2016 at 01:19 ----------


"us lot"? I only speak for myself, my good man.


As for "turning", nope, no turning at all here. Called all the borking to come months and weeks pre-referendum, and of course it's all happening as expected due to the outcome. And it hasn't really started yet, bear that in mind.


Though like ez, I'm a staunch believer in one's personal responsibility for oen's actions. That tends to colour my outlook on things...wherein people who shoot themselves in the foot have only themselves to blame, and become really amusing when they were told that it would hurt beforehand, yet still pulled the trigger and now complain that it hurts. Failarmy material.


LOLZ? You bet: I've just watched May reloading both barrels in Brussels this week! :D


PS-EDIT: just seen your edit; did you just call me a passive-aggressive Leftie? Hahahahahahaha!!! :hihi:


Sorry about the edit. I don't normally post like that. I just clicked edit because posting on here now links them together anyway, and it was only going to be a sentence... I just posted more than the original thing! :D:hihi:


No of course I wasn't calling you pass-agg (I didn't quote you, I merely posted after you). I was just sarcastically grouping people like is done to brexiters as was my original point about the Sunderland workers hoping to be laid off.

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btw... I edited more into that post after you quoted it tin.
I know, and commented upon it. It doesn't matter whether the Sunderland Nissan crew all voted remain, no more than if I had voted remain, had I had a vote. Not one bit.


The vote was what it was, the harder Tory line got a hold of the helm, "brexit means brexit", and bulls*** May walks, and money Ghosn talks.


The harder Tory line is now about to get a masterclass in geoeconomics. The Sunderland Nissan crew and I are the expendable lesson support material.


What price freedom? The same as every time before, everywhere: privations, hunger and hardship. I think it's only fair that those who voted for it, get to experience it first-hand.

Edited by L00b
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I know, and commented upon it. It doesn't matter whether the Sunderland Nissan crew all voted remain, no more than if I had voted remain, had I had a vote. Not one bit.


The vote was what it was, the harder Tory line got a hold of the helm, "brexit means brexit", and bulls*** May walks, and money Ghosn talks.


The harder Tory line is now about to get a masterclass in geoeconomics. The Sunderland Nissan crew and I are the expendable lesson support material.


What price freedom? The same as every time before, everywhere: privations, hunger and hardship. I think it's only fair that those who voted for it, get to experience it first-hand.


ah well, I'm sure we'll discuss more in the future.


I'm off to bed. My economic climate tonight topped £32.50 take home pay. So early start! :)

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Canada walks out and brands the EU incapable as trade talks breakdown= http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/10/21/canada-walks-out-of-eu-trade-talks-declaring-a-deal-impossible-a/

I wonder if the EU is capable of dealing with brexit talks?

The chief EU negotiator chief is already asking for the brexit talks to be conducted in French! = https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/oct/21/theresa-may-brexit-negotiations-language-french

The Eu seems bitter and resentful just like some remainers are becoming.

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Since joining the EU my nationality has been taken away, I was born in England so I'm English but suddenly I'm British, which I'm not.A Welshman is born in Wales, a Scot is born in Scotland and an Irishman is born in Ireland, so how can being born in England make me British?

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