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Do you feel more or less patriotic since the EU Referendum ?

Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?

    • More patriotic
    • Less patriotic
    • No difference

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The image we have presented to the rest of the world is that a slight majority of us dislike and resent foreigners, are unlikely to properly think and reason carefully on major globally impacting decisions even when presented with the truth, and are easily manipulated by slimy politicians and right wing media who encourage us to blame easy targets for anything remotely wrong in our lives.



I don't think a slight majority dislike and resent foreigners, what they dislike is the numbers that have flooded here (thanks to Townie Bliar & the corrupt EU) without any kind of plan as to where they go and the services they consume when they get here. Resent, mainly caused by giving these foreigners houses before our own folk, some it seems living on the streets (many ex forces).



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I don't think a slight majority dislike and resent foreigners, what they dislike is the numbers that have flooded here (thanks to Townie Bliar & the corrupt EU) without any kind of plan as to where they go and the services they consume when they get here. Resent, mainly caused by giving these foreigners houses before our own folk, some it seems living on the streets (many ex forces).




1, I think you're wrong, however,

2, didn't say its what some think, its the message we have sent,

3, we don't generally give foreigners houses before our own, thats crap pedalled by slimy politicians and right wing media because a small majority is easily manipulated into blaming foreigners as an easy target.


As for the pressure on services, I think you'll find the biggy is the NHS which is pretty reliant on foreign labour and the responsibility for not properly resourcing public services lies with the British Government and has pretty much nothing to do with Europe.


Never mind eh, we Brits really told em dint wi.

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Absolute nonsense. The image we are projecting to the rest of the World is we are taking back our soveriegnty. Recent elections in Germany suggest their citizens are are also unhappy with the EU. Other EU members would also vote to leave, if their citizens were given the choice.


It's not nonsense. We're seen as a laughing stock rapidly trending to the political right. Where once we were a tolerant and welcoming country we are now tolerant of hate and that utterly disgusts me.


The sovereignty you want back is only so there can be more hate and fear and so it that hate and fear can be institutionalised, with xenophobia baked into our legislation.


I know you don't like it but it's the truth.

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It's not nonsense. We're seen as a laughing stock rapidly trending to the political right. Where once we were a tolerant and welcoming country we are now tolerant of hate and that utterly disgusts me.


The sovereignty you want back is only so there can be more hate and fear and so it that hate and fear can be institutionalised, with xenophobia baked into our legislation.


I know you don't like it but it's the truth.



We are a small Island in the scheme of things, we simply cannot allow one and all to come here year after year after year. There HAS to be some plan to reduce the numbers. It's little to do with been tolerant and welcoming, it's a necessity before our services are completely over-run.



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I think "Gamston" has it summed up nicely and AngelFire1 makes a very good point. I saw recently that the annual UK inflow was 330,000. If correct, an incredible figure and totally unsustainable given infrastructure and land area. Mrs. Merkel and the average German will pay a heavy price if their door is opened to one million refugees.


The EU bureaucratic position of EU membership= unlimited immigration is also not sustainable and I feel much more backlash than Brexit is coming, even if the self perceived "EU Engine" of France and Germany fight against it.

I don't believe Brexit means the citizens of the UK are unwelcoming or selfish. It means they are practical and want change from the ever spiraling Brussels control Bureaucracy.


The smart thing for the soon to be 27 member EU to do, is to acknowledge the problems surfaced by the UK and others, and say wait a minute. Lets re-negotiate the EU structure from top to bottom and ask the UK to stay put in the interim. But this would ultimately take status quo types to move away from EU membership= open immigration.


And I don't believe that all EU products have to conform to "EU standards." This is a make work project. Let countries build their own widgets and the market will decide who is in for the long term

Edited by glennpickard
important word missed out
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so are you saying that mrs merkel isnt following eu policies regarding taking in immigrants/refugees:suspect:


She seems to making it up as she goes along - other EU countries aren't doing the same as Germany so I'd say she isn't. I don't suppose you have a link for said "EU policy"?


What are your German friends saying? Or the German media?

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She seems to making it up as she goes along - other EU countries aren't doing the same as Germany so I'd say she isn't. I don't suppose you have a link for said "EU policy"?


What are your German friends saying? Or the German media?

i think you know what the german people are saying about this influx of people you dont need me to tell you :D

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