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Do you feel more or less patriotic since the EU Referendum ?

Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?

    • More patriotic
    • Less patriotic
    • No difference

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You say that four EU countries will veto any deal that stops freedom of movement. Is that because they don't want to stop the flood of people from the UK?

Why is it that if those countries are full of hard working, highly skilled people that they are not the success stories of Europe and they would want to remain there?

I see that now one of those countries, Hungary is having a referendum on accepting refugees, so presumably that will be overwhelmingly rejected, as they are so welcoming.


Did you do history at University or sixth form or GCE?

Freedom of movement is fundamental to the working of the single market, which is a zone created by the members of the EU. We wont have the same level of access as we currently enjoy, when we leave. We have already been told if we wnat access then its take it or leave it as all other people with such access also have to comply with free movement. We can simply decide we do not want access.


Those countries are not as successful because in recent history they were obliterated during the Wars followed by decades of communist rule. If you knew anything about history then you wouldnt make the comments you did.


---------- Post added 18-09-2016 at 19:52 ----------


Based on that post you wouldn't know a fact if you fell over one.


Always astounds me the level at which Sheffield Forum exists on. Depressing. Quora is much better.

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he never walked around firvale/pagehall:roll:


Never. Don't want to either, sounds dreadful. Do all immigrants live there? That must be a commute for the polish girls who work down my chip shop. And the ones that work in hospitals. And most of the hotels in Sheffield. And the nice Eastern European chap who towed my van when I broke down on the m1. And the ones who work for the umpteen couriers who deliver to me.

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how can you be patrotic about living in the uk.

i am 47 and lived here since birth.

the changes in this time have seen unlimited influx of loads of different foreigners here to fleece of this goverment.


people can say they are here to work.


i see these immigrants walking around in sheffield(certain areas) during daytime drinking whilst people are at work.

whose paying for their rent/food/fags/drink/schooling for their kids/health care??


Does this apply to you as well or does your work take you to these areas? Have a walk around town or Meadowhall during the day when most people are working as you say and you will see plenty home grown Sheffielders. Of course they could work shifts but then again so could the immigrants. I'm born and bred Sheffield as well and you could potentially see me walking around at any time of day and yet I am 100% self funded and manage to cough up the money for all of the above apart from fags and rent as I don't smoke and have my own house.

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I think a lot of people who voted out, didn't know what they where voting for. I think by voting out we have betrayed the next generation.

I think a lot of people who voted to remain didn't know what they were voting for.


---------- Post added 18-09-2016 at 20:51 ----------


Did you do history at University or sixth form or GCE?

Freedom of movement is fundamental to the working of the single market, which is a zone created by the members of the EU. We wont have the same level of access as we currently enjoy, when we leave. We have already been told if we wnat access then its take it or leave it as all other people with such access also have to comply with free movement. We can simply decide we do not want access.


Those countries are not as successful because in recent history they were obliterated during the Wars followed by decades of communist rule. If you knew anything about history then you wouldnt make the comments you did.


---------- Post added 18-09-2016 at 19:52 ----------



Always astounds me the level at which Sheffield Forum exists on. Depressing. Quora is much better.

No, I didn't go to university or sixth form or GCE in history, I left school at 15 then worked for 50 years and gained a bit of knowledge about the real world.

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I think a lot of people who voted out, didn't know what they where voting for. I think by voting out we have betrayed the next generation.

Do you think that could be because the older generation are more likely to have long-sightedness and the outcome might have been different, if the ballot papers had been printed on A3 paper ?

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I feel no more or less patriotic than before.


The majority did not want to be ruled by Germany in a dictatorship. We beat the Kaiser, we beat Hitler. The majority are not prepared to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats that we can't vote out. The reality is if you believe in democracy, then you accept the result and hope for a better future. If you are not prepared to accept the democratic wishes of the majority, and are ashamed of the country you live in, then it is best you make arrangements to live elsewhere, in a country you will not be ashamed of.


I obviously think you comparing the EU to the Kaiser`s Germany, or Hitler`s Germany is insulting to all those who fought in both World Wars.


Surely that`s what depends upon what you define as the result ?


I accept that on the 23rd June 2016, after the most dishonest political campaign I can ever remember, a narrow majority (52% to 48% of those who cast a ballot) voted to leave the EU. That`s not to say they`d still be a majority in a few months, or a few years.


What I find most galling about the whole thing, is the sanctimonious "democratic" arguments voiced by the Leave campaign. They are such soddin` hypocrites. Why ? Are you telling me that if they`d have lost by 48 to 52% they`d have meekly accepted the result, supported staying in the EU and never brought the subject up again ? I think not, in fact I KNOW not.



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No, I didn't go to university or sixth form or GCE in history, I left school at 15 then worked for 50 years and gained a bit of knowledge about the real world.


You have the internet and a wealth of information at your disposal. Had you known a liyyle bit about real world history then you wouldnt have replied in the way you did.

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I feel no more or less patriotic than before.


The majority did not want to be ruled by Germany in a dictatorship. We beat the Kaiser, we beat Hitler. The majority are not prepared to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats that we can't vote out. The reality is if you believe in democracy, then you accept the result and hope for a better future. If you are not prepared to accept the democratic wishes of the majority, and are ashamed of the country you live in, then it is best you make arrangements to live elsewhere, in a country you will not be ashamed of.


By the way, how is this consistent with wanting us all to be "united" ? Surely if wanting to unite two disparate factions compromises have to be made ? Particularly when the "losing side" constitutes 48% of the electorate......

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