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Do you feel more or less patriotic since the EU Referendum ?

Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. Since the Referendum do you feel more or less patriotic ?

    • More patriotic
    • Less patriotic
    • No difference

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What I find most galling about the whole thing, is the sanctimonious "democratic" arguments voiced by the Leave campaign. They are such soddin` hypocrites. Why ? Are you telling me that if they`d have lost by 48 to 52% they`d have meekly accepted the result, supported staying in the EU and never brought the subject up again ? I think not, in fact I KNOW not.



a bit like what your doing now :roll::hihi:

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I don't believe that calling out bigotry, racism and hate by right wingers is a bad thing.


Whether it's prejudice against the poor, the disabled, hard-working immigrants or whatever group I'm never going to stop.


Don't misunderstand though that doesn't mean I think all Brexiters are like that but some undoubtedly are, and they are making me ashamed of my country. I think we should all be ashamed of them.

It should not be a bad thing to call out arrogant 'Remain' voters who display sour grapes and direct hate towards those who voted to leave the EU for whatever reasons. It also should not be a bad thing to call out arrogant 'Remain' voters who display sour grapes and assume they know the reasons why individual 'Leave' voters, voted the way they did.


I am not ashamed of my country, but you should be embarrassed by the way you have conducted yourself since the democratic referendum result, just because it did not go the way you wanted. If you want to blame people for the result, then perhaps you should blame those people who make up the 48% of remain voters, who never voted or supported pro EU parties in the 2014 European elections. If more people had shown enthusiasm for the EU in 2014 and the years before, then UKIP would not have made the progress they did, and Cameron would never have called an EU referendum, and you would not be the bitter person you are today, and ashamed of your own country.

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Fair comment.

Everyones got their opinion.

So whats your expert opinion on this then?


No, Tinfoil is right. The hardest working people are Polish immigrants (and similar). If you`re talking about Roma Gypsies I must confess I don`t know, but they constitute a relatively small percentage of the total immigration into this country, so to use them as an example of what immigrants are like is misleading to put it mildly. Not that being misleading stopped a good sound bite from the Leave campaign in the referendum campaign, so why stop now ? ! ?

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I obviously think you comparing the EU to the Kaiser`s Germany, or Hitler`s Germany is insulting to all those who fought in both World Wars.

I agree it is unnecessary to bring the war into the discussion. However, it is Battle of Britain Sunday.

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a bit like what your doing now :roll::hihi:


Sorry, what point are you making ?

I`m perfectly clear about my position, it`s consistent. The problem with this leaving the EU thing is it isn`t like a General Election. I can accept those results even if I`m not happy with them, because they can be changed in or years. Leaving the EU can`t, therefore it has to be 100% certain it`s the right thing to do and the country is consistently of that opinion.

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You have the internet and a wealth of information at your disposal. Had you known a liyyle bit about real world history then you wouldnt have replied in the way you did.

You really are an unpleasant person, most people on here from both sides of the argument discuss in a reasonable manner, but you have to revert to your usual vitriol.

Why don't you try to be a bit nicer? Then you might even make a friend.......... or perhaps not, until then I'll be ignoring your posts.

One final thing, what's a liyyle? I'm not educated enough to know.

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Sorry, what point are you making ?

I`m perfectly clear about my position, it`s consistent. The problem with this leaving the EU thing is it isn`t like a General Election. I can accept those results even if I`m not happy with them, because they can be changed in or years. Leaving the EU can`t, therefore it has to be 100% certain it`s the right thing to do and the country is consistently of that opinion.

52% of the people believed 100% that it was the right thing to do :roll:

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It should not be a bad thing to call out arrogant 'Remain' voters who display sour grapes and direct hate towards those who voted to leave the EU for whatever reasons. It also should not be a bad thing to call out arrogant 'Remain' voters who display sour grapes and assume they know the reasons why individual 'Leave' voters, voted the way they did.


I am not ashamed of my country, but you should be embarrassed by the way you have conducted yourself since the democratic referendum result, just because it did not go the way you wanted. If you want to blame people for the result, then perhaps you should blame those people who make up the 48% of remain voters, who never voted or supported pro EU parties in the 2014 European elections. If more people had shown enthusiasm for the EU in 2014 and the years before, then UKIP would not have made the progress they did, and Cameron would never have called an EU referendum, and you would not be the bitter person you are today, and ashamed of your own country.


No sour grapes here, just a determination to prevent a catastrophe for our country. That is nothing to be ashamed about.


There is time to prevent the worst case, and I'm confident we will at least prevent hard Brexit.


And.....stop the personal attacks. Thanks ;)


---------- Post added 18-09-2016 at 22:01 ----------


52% of the people believed 100% that it was the right thing to do :roll:


Well it was actually 37% of those registered to vote in the referendum, and plenty of them regretted it afterwards.

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You really are an unpleasant person, most people on here from both sides of the argument discuss in a reasonable manner, but you have to revert to your usual vitriol.

Why don't you try to be a bit nicer? Then you might even make a friend.......... or perhaps not, until then I'll be ignoring your posts.

One final thing, what's a liyyle? I'm not educated enough to know.


Your the one making the points, when a little bit of self education would answer your own points and give you pause for thought as to whether they were valid in the first place. I thought they were poor points based on your lack of knowledge about the countries concerned and their position in respect of the upcoming Brexit negotiations.


---------- Post added 18-09-2016 at 22:24 ----------


Still not really seeing anyones point as to why they are feeling more or less patriotic.


I doubt it would get the same result if another ine was run next week, but I think most people accpeted it happened and we need to get on with things. Nobody will know the full impact until many years in the future when we cna look back and see what effect it had.

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