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Charles Peace- Sheffield born murderer


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It was just a five minute piece on Rooney Robinson's show about the walks, the lady who is organising it told me she was going to be on.:)






Cheers, My mate said he turned the radion on in the car and it had already started, he probably didn't realise it was only five mins long ;)



Cheers Biggsy :)

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You asked why Charles Peace was called 'Rubber Face'.


It was because he had the ability to disjoint his limbs and his jaw.


By doing this he looked totally different.


By dislocating his jaw he was unrecognisable, also he dislocated his leg joints to become a cripple.


The police have a set of photographs of hoi in his various altered states.


He also lived in many different houses, I believe at the last count he had at least 9 addresses in Sheffield where he lived.


My family lived in a house on Leopold St which was formerly on Orchard Lane where he lived.


Happy Days! PopT


PopT, his leg was crippled, anyway:- he was injured as a very young teenager, (13-ish) in an industrial accident. A red hot bar of steel came out of a press, and went through his knee.


He spent about 18 months recovering from it, in the Royal Infirmary.


He managed to learn to walk again, in such a way that you would never know it had happened, and was amazingly agile to say his knee was so badly injured.


You are absolutely correct about him being able to alter the appearance of his face. He also used walnut juice to darken his skin, as a disguise.

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  • 6 months later...
just got some photographs in a bunch i got from mi dads of my great grandad percy archibald bolsover who was charlies grandson, ill scan em in eventually


I would be interested to see these - I am a Bolsover and was interested to stumble across the connection.

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I think thats how they spelt his name..my Great Aunt claimed that he once stared at her,through her kitchen window..I don't know much about this chap exept that he was a notorious Victorian Sheffield criminal. Can anyone fill in the details????

yes charle did come from sheffiels and was caught on a train going to london. after murdering a bloke

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  • 1 month later...

Eight years and no-one has got this right!


There was a gap between the terrace houses next to Best Kebab but the crime scene was at the Marmion Road end.


LOOK ON Pictures Sheffield: Charles Peace, Map illustrating Banner Cross Murder

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There seems to be some confusion as to which alleyway was the one where the murder was committed. Some say the alleyway beside the Banner Cross Pub whilst others say the alleyway next to Best Kebab.


Does anyone have the definitive answer?



Eight years and no-one has got this right!


There was a gap between the terrace houses next to Best Kebab but the crime scene was at the Marmion Road end.


Look on Picture Sheffield: Charles Peace, Map illustrating Banner Cross Murder

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Forum wouldn't accept link and it's "Picture Sheffield"


Eight years and no-one has got this right!


There was a gap between the terrace houses next to Best Kebab but the crime scene was at the Marmion Road end.


Look on Picture Sheffield: Charles Peace, Map illustrating Banner Cross Murder

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