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Charles Peace- Sheffield born murderer


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  • 4 weeks later...

my dad did our family tree years ago and has always told me Charles Peace was my great great great grandad, although ive never found this out myself.


Its very interesting finding a thread by his capters relatives lol

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Charley Peace didn't live at Banner Cross. He'd met the Dyson's at Darnall where they and he had lived before. He'd started up some sort of relationship with Mrs. Dyson [i don't think anyone so far on can now tell if it was a sexual one or not ].

Anyway , he became a bit obsessed with her and ,presumably , this was the reaon the Dysons moved. Somehow Peace discovered where they were living and went round there on the night of the murder. I don't know if he was still in Darnall at that time.As far as I can recall from his biography , he'd been born just off High St.

The inquest on Dyson's death was held at the other end of Psalter Lane , at the Stag .

Quite a character----after eating all his breakfast on the morning of his execution , he complained that the bacon had been too salty ! The least of his worries , I should have thought.

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Try the Fire & police museum at West Bar roundabout.


In the cells, there is loads of information about a local murderer, and i think it's Charles Peace.


The museum is only open Sundays/bank holidays, but if you ring them first, they should be able to confirm if the info they've got is about Charles Peace. (0114 2491999)


Everything so far on this thread seems to ring a bell that it is Charles Peace.

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  • 1 month later...

This is a little late in the day,but i have only joined the site today.


Charlie peace lodged with the dysons on brittania rd, darnall.


The row of houses were there in the 70's but were demolished and the darnall library now stands on the site.


As a child we were warned to behave or charlie peaces ghost would get us.


I remember a lot of tales about charlie,I am not sure how historically true they are but darnall was a very close knit community but they make interesting tales in the telling.


best wishes


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I would guess it was the same.

Charley Peace is still talked about and I suppose , going back a bit , he was as notorious as , say , the Krays or , before Peace, Dick Turpin.

He had a lot more adventures after leaving Sheffield----mainly I think in Hull , Manchester , Nottingham and , finally London [ Peckham area]. In Manchester , I believe he shot a policeman and escaped. Three Irish brothers were arrested for the crime and one of them was on trial for the murder. It's said that Peace was in the public gallery , in disguise , and watched the young man get life imprisonment. Later , Peace said that if the Irish lad had been sentenced to death , he , Peace would have confessed ! [Oh Yeah ?]

After getting caught doing a burglary in Blackheath , Peace , who was living under a false name [naturally] was recognised and was brought to Sheffield to face trial for the Dyson murder. On the way here , round about Kiveton , he jumped through the train lavatory window , badly hurt himself and was quickly re-captured. He spent quite a lot of time in the old police cells which used to be on Water Lane and hanged semi-publicly at Armley Prison.

They did a play about Peace at the old Playhouse theatre on Campo Lane in the late '60's and Dave Bradley played Peace---he played the religious "fanatic" in the recent t.v. production of "Blackpool"

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The reason it took so long to get Charlie was because he could dislocate his jaw thus giving him a different look. He had done this when arrested and a policeman who looked through the spyhole in the cell door saw him re adjust his jaw back and then recognised him as The Charlie Peace who was wanted in Sheffield

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