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What can I buy with my pound ?

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In some areas houses were up for sale for £1, either last year or the year before. It might have been Liverpool.


It was Liverpool ,when Labour was in the houses were brought up for project 'Pathfinder' an project that sought to replace entire rows of housing with new housing. It never happened due to costs so leaving many streets looking like wastelands about three years ago Liverpool council decided to off load these houses for a pound but you must have lived in the city for at least five years and can prove you have the financial ability to do the repairs as many of the houses are just shells .

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It was Liverpool ,when Labour was in the houses were brought up for project 'Pathfinder' an project that sought to replace entire rows of housing with new housing. It never happened due to costs so leaving many streets looking like wastelands about three years ago Liverpool council decided to off load these houses for a pound but you must have lived in the city for at least five years and can prove you have the financial ability to do the repairs as many of the houses are just shells .

You can buy liability and hassle for a pound.

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I though it was only illegal to sell them not buy them.


That is what I would guess.


I was looking on a website and it didn`t say it was illegal to buy. It did mention this.


I'm not hurting anyone by selling illegal tobacco. I'm just helping out a friend; he can't afford to smoke otherwise.

If you sell cheap tobacco, or know someone who does, then you're doing more damage than you think because cheap, illegal tobacco:

Makes it easier for children and young people to start smoking and become addicted.

Makes your community attractive to criminals

Draws otherwise honest people into dealing with criminals.


I think that it is quite possible that penistone999 could be an upstanding pillar of the community.



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