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Amber Rudd - no surprise.

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Ok, you've said if she defends tax havens that's a bad answer. Anything more from you looks more difficult then getting blood from a stone.



Tax havens are a fact of life for the rich, not easy for those paying PAYE to get their head around.

Tax havens may be ok for an person flipping from one country to the next; but if they are a 100% British resident, then they are underhand and should not be defended by a UK MP.

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“Honestly, I have brilliantly used those laws…I have a responsibility to pay as little tax as legally possible.” Donald Trump.


Q - Do any of our conservative politicians say this about their own and others tax attitudes? If not why not?


A - Because it would be political suicide.


..........oh yeh, It's also morally wrong but that wouldn't bother them.

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Can someone legally pay zero taxes, if they are honest?


Of course they can. Trump made an annual loss of $916million in 1995. At the time the tax code allowed such losses to be "carried forward" up to 15 years, offsetting income and therefore potentially eliminating tax liability (and could be carried backward on income up to 3 years prior.)


The allowance has since been changed to carry forward 20 years and carry back 2 years.

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“Honestly, I have brilliantly used those laws…I have a responsibility to pay as little tax as legally possible.” Donald Trump.


Q - Do any of our conservative politicians say this about their own and others tax attitudes? If not why not?


A - Because it would be political suicide.


..........oh yeh, It's also morally wrong but that wouldn't bother them.


I was surprised by Trump's candour as well. I have written as much earlier.


Question: Do you think it's only Tory MPs that use tax avoidance schemes?


Would you be equally annoyed by another party member using such a scheme? So why the mention Conservatives? Because Rudd is one? So what, you can still make the point about ALL MPs.


Your Tory hating is transparent. I have news for you. They are all as bad as each other.


---------- Post added 04-10-2016 at 23:22 ----------


Tax havens are a fact of life for the rich, not easy for those paying PAYE to get their head around.

Tax havens may be ok for an person flipping from one country to the next; but if they are a 100% British resident, then they are underhand and should not be defended by a UK MP.


Isn't all tax avoidance underhand? You can avoid paying tax in various ways. Using a tax haven is just one of many ways.


I agree MPs shouldn't defend them. Should they have the right to defend working for a company that used tax havens before they became MPs though? Or do you think she should be fired immediately?


Would you be fired from your job if it came to light that you had worked for a company that used tax havens in the past?


---------- Post added 04-10-2016 at 23:25 ----------


Amber Rudd's shameful history is yet more evidence that cheating the system is routine among the rich and well placed, even while basic services upon which ordinary people depend - essential services for the sick, children, the elderly, the disabled, have been cut.


Yes, and 16 years ago it was Labour in power. They had been for 3 years. Did they do anything to close such loopholes?


Would you be fired from your current job if your boss discovered 16 years ago you worked for a company that used tax avoidance schemes?

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Yes, and 16 years ago it was Labour in power. They had been for 3 years. Did they do anything to close such loopholes?


It was indeed Labour that was in power 16 years ago. And they did nothing to confront the tax cheats. Neoconservative policy reigns within the Labour Party. Tax avoidance is structural policy across the parties.

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I was surprised by Trump's candour as well. I have written as much earlier.


Question: Do you think it's only Tory MPs that use tax avoidance schemes?


Would you be equally annoyed by another party member using such a scheme? So why the mention Conservatives? Because Rudd is one? So what, you can still make the point about ALL MPs.


Your Tory hating is transparent. I have news for you. They are all as bad as each other.


---------- Post added 04-10-2016 at 23:22 ----------



Here are you answers because I know you get so uptight about this. Of course it is said that you should only ask a question when you know the answer. These are good examples of this, rhetorical. Please don't get personal in your answers.


1)No. Many thousands of people use tax avoidance schemes

2)Yes. I would be equally annoyed by any MP using these schemes. (Slight difference than your wording).

3) At last an open question. Because the Conservatives are in power.

4) Yes. Because Rudd is part of the Government.

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Isn't all tax avoidance underhand? You can avoid paying tax in various ways. Using a tax haven is just one of many ways.



I recall a council having an employee, except he wasnt an employee, his services were done via a company, so that he could avoid tax.

They could treat all their employees this way, them we could all avoid tax. One rule for the rich, another rule for everyone else.

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I recall a council having an employee, except he wasnt an employee, his services were done via a company, so that he could avoid tax.

They could treat all their employees this way, them we could all avoid tax. One rule for the rich, another rule for everyone else.


Uh huh. How rich do you think Amber Rudd is?


Tell me El Cid, are you familiar with salary sacrifice pension plans?


If you receive a bonus at work will your company pay it directly into your pension so it's subject to less tax?


Are you rich?


---------- Post added 05-10-2016 at 11:22 ----------


Here are you answers because I know you get so uptight about this. Of course it is said that you should only ask a question when you know the answer. These are good examples of this, rhetorical. Please don't get personal in your answers.


1)No. Many thousands of people use tax avoidance schemes

2)Yes. I would be equally annoyed by any MP using these schemes. (Slight difference than your wording).

3) At last an open question. Because the Conservatives are in power.

4) Yes. Because Rudd is part of the Government.


Your Tory hating is transparent. All you do is whinge about them. But, are you even old enough to remember and have been affected by Thatcher or are you one of those Northern types that despises her because your daddy told you to? Because it's hip to loath the Iron Witch? Does your Union Padrone say dance on the grave of Ol' Mrs T and off you trot?


---------- Post added 05-10-2016 at 11:27 ----------


Amber Rudd is nothing if not delightful.


I hear there's an opening at the top of UKIP since this morning.


She could be a good fit.


I don't like her. I think she's obnoxious. But nor do I think she deserves to be fired for doing what she's alleged to have done. I know I wouldn't be. But people like IL2T3Z4W5X and Flanker 7 have been infected with the Northern Tory Unlove and would salivate to see Tory ministers thrown out for any infraction. It's all rather minutely subversive and peppered with a tedious and fake holier-than-thou attitude I find repulsive.

Edited by Santo
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