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Amber Rudd - no surprise.

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Note the discussion I had with Flanker7 earlier today.


(S)He asked me some questions. I answered. I made my position quite clear on this matter.


To me, you haven't because I asked you some questions that you didn't answer so I don't know quite what your expectations are, other than clarity. You haven't expanded on that. You have accused me of using this to build a straw man. I call it wondering what your expectations are.


You claim you are waiting for Amber Rudd to say something. Me, I have been wondering what she might say (if and when she does eventually speak up) since the story broke. I think that's a quite natural response, to wonder how she is going to get out of this pickle.


I have my own ideas of what I think will be acceptable or not. What will be a decent defence. Whether I will believe it or not. You claim you haven't done that. That strikes me as very odd considering how vocal you are about her being transparent. I am now well past caring that you haven't done that.


We have gone round and round in circles with this. I asked my question initially mid debate to see if we were on the same wavelength about what she can say in her own defence. That's not building a straw man. That's debate and discussion which is what this forum is for. She has a right to defend her actions, wouldn't you agree? Can we not discuss possible defences? I said you hadn't answered. You claimed you had. I said you hadn't. This has gone on for days now. For this, you accused me of being a troll. I am of mind to accuse you of deliberately avoiding answering because if she uses a response which we have discussed and resolved here you won't be able to attack her for it. You don't want to put all your eggs in one basket, so to speak.


Thus, I can only conclude you have already made up your mind about her. Though you claim she needs to add clarity and save her job I quite simply, owing to your conduct throughout this debate, do not believe you. I don't think any amount of clarity will satisfy you. You want her gone and nothing she can say will change your mind. I think this is grossly unfair on your part. Much like your treatment of several people during this thread, and of myself. You accuse us of trying to derail the thread and of trying to shut down the debate. I hereby openly accuse you of trying to stifle and shut down anyone that has the audacity to defend Amber Rudd. I further suspect this behaviour has one root cause; because she is a Tory, whom you are biased against.


And please refrain from threatening me.


I'm not threatening you. If you can't abide by the forum rules and continue with the insults and goading, hectoring tone then I'll report your posts to the mods.


I've already said she shouldn't resign yet but with each new revelation and her speech at the conference I'm really starting to question her judgement.


How can I discuss possible defences (which is really what you are trying to make me do) when I don't know why she set up the companies in tax havens, and only she can make clear what her current stance is on the use of tax havens. Only she can answer those questions. And only after she has answered can we know what a good or bad defence is. There is no point building up imaginary scenarios in advance along with possible good/bad defences for the scenarios along with your own imagined personal opinion of the good/bad defence to the imagined scenarios. That is weird.


Let her answer the questions. She will have to answer them sooner or later. Then we can decide.


In the meantime she can continue in her job although how long that will last is anyone's guess after she managed to upset just about every British employer and business organisation, and the unions this week with some bizarre policy abnouncements. It's a rare talent to unite the unions and British business in their condemnation of a policy option.


Too big a job too soon? Too eager to please? Too weak? All of them quite possibly.

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