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Amber Rudd - no surprise.

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Find me an article that says she illegally avoided tax. You can't.


I'm not even sure there are articles that says she legally reduced her tax, what exactly is the story here? She was a director of an offshore company 16 years ago. Big wow.


When did I say she did anything illegal.


What I am complaining about is the way that certain posters try to kill off the debate as soon as there are any questions about the tax affairs of a Tory. It's automatic fawningly pathetic behaviour and it's tiresome.

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"You do not have to say anything, *but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court...."


Insert * but it may harm your defence in the media. - only more so.


....anything you do say may be given in evidence.*


*insert implication 'or used against you by the media.'

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genuine answer "aggressive tax avoidance" is efficient use of the Uk tax laws as they are.

on the outside there will be those that despise avoidance but still practise it secretly in one form or another generally left leaning ahem Tony Bliar et all champagne socialists etc etc :roll:


Well fancy that. In 2012, Amber Rudd was made Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne. The same time that George Osborne publically slated people who were aggressive tax avoiders as 'morally repugnant':




As his official bag carrier, one would've thought that Rudd agreed with his sentiments. So is she a hypocrite too?

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Well fancy that. In 2012, Amber Rudd was made Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne. The same time that George Osborne publically slated people who were aggressive tax avoiders as 'morally repugnant':




As his official bag carrier, one would've thought that Rudd agreed with his sentiments. So is she a hypocrite too?


Where is the evidence that Rudd was 'aggressively avoiding tax'?

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Where is the evidence that Rudd was 'aggressively avoiding tax'?


We don't know if there is any evidence yet but we 100% have the right to ask questions of our elected politicians.


Nobody should try and shut down that debate, which is what you are attempting to do.

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We don't know if there is any evidence yet but we 100% have the right to ask questions of our elected politicians.


Nobody should try and shut down that debate, which is what you are attempting to do.


I am asking for evidence of the things that she is being accused of. How is that attempting to shut down the debate?

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Where is the evidence that Rudd was 'aggressively avoiding tax'?


I was using the logic as used by pmurtdlanod1 in his reply to me.


genuine answer "aggressive tax avoidance" is efficient use of the Uk tax laws as they are.

on the outside there will be those that despise avoidance but still practise it secretly in one form or another generally left leaning ahem Tony Bliar et all champagne socialists etc etc :roll:

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I am asking for evidence of the things that she is being accused of. How is that attempting to shut down the debate?


Having a debate isn't the same as accusing someone of illegal activities.

She's been accused of working for tax havens,she's admitted it.

She hasn't been accused of anything else.

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Having a debate isn't the same as accusing someone of illegal activities.

She's been accused of working for tax havens,she's admitted it.

She hasn't been accused of anything else.


Exactly. I'm not accusing her of anything, nor am I trying to shut anything down (I'm not even sure why somebody would think that).

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Exactly. I'm not accusing her of anything, nor am I trying to shut anything down (I'm not even sure why somebody would think that).


I thought it a somewhat dramatic accusation as well.


There isn't even a debate so far as I can see. It's people speculating one way or the other on someone else's tax affairs that may or may not be murky but either way no-one on this forum is going to or can do anything about.

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