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What have you bought but never used ?

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Well I've bought lots of things that I've maybe used once but never again.


George Forman grill


At least three liquidisers


Lots of keep fit equipment


Massage mat


Fortunately they haven't been wasted as theve all gone to charity .


Have you bought anything you haven't used ?

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A £800 recumbant exercise bike. I bought it three years ago because I used the ones at Concord Sports Centre all the time and loved them but it turned out that this particular make and model were designed by fiendish torturer specialists who made it so that the two seat settings for my height are either just too far away from the pedals to make cycling comfortable after more than a few minutes or just close enough to the pedals to make it painful on the knees.


I'd also say my vacuum cleaner but that's just because I'm lazy... only joking! :D

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I don`t want to go off topic Pattricia, but why do we do this? Yes, I have done it too. It seems like a good idea at the time, then something kills the interest.


Why three liquidisers? Is that early dementia:hihi: I`m not sure what all my reasons/excuses have been;)

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I've got an £800 Trek pedal bike rusting/oxidising in the shed now that I realise how much of a danger cycles are for normal road users. Keep meaning to scrap it but am worried someone may reclaim it from the dump and use it on the road. Useless pile of junk. :(

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Alcoblog took it (her) off my hands for one of his weird projects.:huh:


That's a downright lie Mr Mc.Woods and you know it! :o

You told me that you'd teamed it up with three others, given 'em a microphone, and called 'em B*Witched.

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