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Supermarket etiquette


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To make shopping a more pleasurable or less stressful activity I suggest:

1)when browsing please don't turn your trolley at right angles in the aisles.

2)when using the escalators please park your trolleys to one side so that other shoppers without trolleys can overtake.

3)Please don't carry out a conversation on a mobile when at the checkout.

4)Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you" and occasionally "excuse me".

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To make shopping a more pleasurable or less stressful activity I suggest:

1)when browsing please don't turn your trolley at right angles in the aisles.

2)when using the escalators please park your trolleys to one side so that other shoppers without trolleys can overtake.

3)Please don't carry out a conversation on a mobile when at the checkout.

4)Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you" and occasionally "excuse me".




annoys the life out of me that does! but at the same time i shouldn't be lazy and use the stairs instead!


---------- Post added 26-09-2016 at 14:39 ----------


Oh and those folk that stand far too close to you at the check out!! Personal space people!!!!

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annoys the life out of me that does! but at the same time i shouldn't be lazy and use the stairs instead!


Waitrose has a nice level entrance. Problem solved :cool:

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1)when browsing please don't turn your trolley at right angles in the aisles.


I really quite enjoy blasting other peoples trollys out of the way, it's even better when you give it such a good smack the other person has to check the contents haven't been damaged by the ramming.

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To make shopping a more pleasurable or less stressful activity I suggest:

1)when browsing please don't turn your trolley at right angles in the aisles.


I agree....


2)when using the escalators please park your trolleys to one side so that other shoppers without trolleys can overtake.


Some shops don't allow this, for safety reasons - and once the trolly is on the escalator, they are often hard to move as there are magnets underneath that keep the trolly in position, and the wheels sometimes lock between the lines on the escalator also...


3)Please don't carry out a conversation on a mobile when at the checkout.


This I agree with!


4)Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you" and occasionally "excuse me".


yup, so many people just barge through, past, in front of you etc and say nothing.



You missed the other peeve - when at the till you have to pay....


So why do you act surprised when you do and express shock you need your purse/wallet that's at the bottom of the back, rucksack, whatever....


^^ This, so much this...


People with only a few items, wait until the assistant tells them the total, THEN they go in their bag / etc and get their purse/wallet, and then go digging in it for change...


A) why didn't they add up as they went round, to get a rough idea on cost

B) you can (and always should) get your purse/wallet out MUCH earlier, Maybe even before you enter the shop, and put it somewhere more accessible..


It holds up the queue, makes other shoppers annoyed behind you etc....



And another, Please don't stand chatting at the end of an isle, because you bumped into a friend/family member - it stops people getting past / round to the isle... if you insist on chatting, arrange to meet up outside AFTER the shop is done...

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I remember years ago when on leave I visited the old BHS discount shop near Castle Market . Saw something I wanted went to pay for it their was a women and man in front of me. The women was rough as hell wearing high boots wouldn't have looked out of place in a red light area in a loud voice I'm going to sort that <removed> women how dare she push in front the man stayed quite. Then women said wait till she out of here give her some fist I nearly busted out laughing but thought better of it . The women stromed off weather she got her ' victim' I don't know the moral of the lesson was don't mess with Sheffield women ........

Edited by nikki-red
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The only annoyance I have is for people that park away from the shop entrance (forced to or by choice) and then leave their trolley in the parking space. Walk that little bit further to one of the Trolley Bays and put in there. That's why they are there to save you walking back to the shop!

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