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Supermarket etiquette


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It's too busy, and most of the customers are like the customers who I pick up in cab who I consider to be either potential snobs/act in a snobbish manner/ or who are in fact, snobs.




*(apart from my parents)


What? Snobs? These guys? No way, one simply shan't hear of it!!




---------- Post added 28-09-2016 at 18:52 ----------


To make shopping a more pleasurable or less stressful activity I suggest:

1)when browsing please don't turn your trolley at right angles in the aisles.

2)when using the escalators please park your trolleys to one side so that other shoppers without trolleys can overtake.

3)Please don't carry out a conversation on a mobile when at the checkout.

4)Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you" and occasionally "excuse me".


The worse place for this kind of behaviour has to be The Company Shop. There's a car park for leaving your car in, and seemingly a separate area for which you may leave your manners before entering the shop. I've not found this special area yet but i'm pretty sure it exists. It's as if some of the people in there havent eaten for a month or they're desperate to stock up for some imminent zombie apocalypse that I'm not aware of.

If it weren't so bargain-tactic, I'd not go.

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The worse place for this kind of behaviour has to be The Company Shop. There's a car park for leaving your car in, and seemingly a separate area for which you may leave your manners before entering the shop.

If it weren't so bargain-tactic, I'd not go.


I go there regularly with the wife. Sometimes there are so many people there it is impossible to leave/put your trolley anywhere except in someone's way.


I try my hardest to manoeuvre the trolley (always the driver :roll: ) but nearly always I end up in the way :roll:


The staff put up bargains and everyone wants them!!! Sometimes within seconds the load they have just fetched out has gone - that is the nature of the company shop.


I have personally witnessed staff not even putting stock on the shelves and shoppers simply taking it out of the trolley.......he/she is happy....less work. Empty trolley back to warehouse job done in record time.


I agree about manners though. Saying that there are few and far between that have not returned said manners!!


I have had some ignorant people and on my apology they have either not responded or gave me a look of derision which I resent :rant:


I sometimes respond accordingly but that is for another thread ;)

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It's too busy, and most of the customers are like the customers who I pick up in cab who I consider to be either potential snobs/act in a snobbish manner/ or who are in fact, snobs.



What is snobbish behaviour then? Being polite and well mannered?

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What is snobbish behaviour then? Being polite and well mannered?


The absolute opposite! Snobs won't waste their manners on common folk such as taxi drivers, or the staff in Waitrose. They are reserved only for select people within their snobbish circles, or people deemed to be of a higher ilk such as doctors, royalty and the rich and famous.

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A Belfast man has been taken to court by Tesco for repeatedly claiming his bag of apples was a bag of carrots, which are around a third of the price.


Aidan Martin Devlin, 53, pleaded guilty to 12 counts of dishonesty making false representation at Newtownards Magistrates Court, in relation to thefts committed in June and July this year in which he made a financial gain and Tesco made a financial loss.


An estimated £1.6bn worth of food and other goods is understood to be stolen each year by customers at self-service tills, with 19 per cent of people having owned up to stealing items at these checkouts.

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What is snobbish behaviour then? Being polite and well mannered?


I added to the convo after this bit, but you might have quoted it before reading.


In the following posts, I mentioned this:


Never any manners. Never please or thank you when getting in and out.


Not well mannered in my taxi could mean aggressive or extremely unreasonable, which causes me problems. Waitrose customers have never done either.


I worded it differently though, because I was answering a slightly different point later on in the thread.




I don't pick and choose jobs though based on potential snobbishness, I pick the on the chance I think I'll pick them, and whether they#ll pay me or not. And I don't refuse jobs because they are likely to be snobs. The fact that I have less chance of being physically attacked by these people means I'd rather pick them up than louts! :hihi:


I just accept that some people are snobs, and even sometimes are rude to me*, that they are generally just ass holes, and I laugh it off.





*often without realising, which I haven't concluded which is worse!

Edited by *_ash_*
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Don't think it's reached the UK yet (thank god), but the amount of self entitled people over here who just stand at the checkout and wait til the poor assistant pack their bags.

I've even seen them shout at them if they don't do it. I'd love to see them try something like that in Tesco.


These are usually the same people who beep their horn for a shop worker to come out and bring them a cup of coffee.


Lazy twots.

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Do you also complain about "lazy twots" who expect waiters to bring them food in a restaurant and those obscene people who demand that a barman make them a drink.


Its called customer service. IF a store offers or routinely privides bag packing service from their assistants why the hell shouldn't someone be entiltled to use it.


It often already does happen in stores like Tesco, and others. An assistant will offer to help with bag packing and some people may or may not accept it.


Some other types cashpoints which are counter based will pack a bag whether you ask or not - it just happens.


Why so much outrage?

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I hate people who dump their stuff all over the shop when they have changed their mind, especially chilled and frozen stuff which then has to be thrown away.

I once saw a whole fresh salmon dumped among the tinned products - £14 waste on one item! Also people who dump normal stuff in the freezers, so they have to be thrown away too. Don't they realise that it just puts the prices up in the long run?

Also, chattering away on their mobile phone whilst being served - so rude!

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