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Historic street cobbles removed why?

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The cobbles that were on Cornish Street have been dug up by the council for some reason. I know the area a bit, has a nice historic look with many fine buildings restored the area that has been hit is were George Barnsley works is. Their is some cobbles down Attercliffe which still can still be seen I hope they are not removed too. The cobbles setts are originals surely its best to retain them to keep in character of the area so why not repair them instead of removal?

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The cobbles that were on Cornish Street have been dug up by the council for some reason. I know the area a bit, has a nice historic look with many fine buildings restored the area that has been hit is were George Barnsley works is. Their is some cobbles down Attercliffe which still can still be seen I hope they are not removed too. The cobbles setts are originals surely its best to retain them to keep in character of the area so why not repair them instead of removal?


They will probably spout some health and safety garbage as the excuse for removing them.

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Yes, part of the Streets Ahead road upgrades. Apparantly a local businessman pointed the cobbles issue out and work has been suspended pending a meeting between the council and their contracters, Amey.


Around £60.00 to £100.00 per square metre, so someone's on a nice little earner, be it at the Council or Amey (funny handshake brigade?).


The world's your lobster when it comes to the old flagstones (which obviously represent a 'clear and present danger' so far as tripping on them is concerned … or so they say :rolleyes:). Best to replace 'em with half an inch of tarmac.


I've been wondering for a while where all this stuff is going. Many of the streets around Crookes have cobbles under the tarmac, quite plainly visible at the bottom of the potholes.

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The ones on the narrow road up the side of Paradise Sq (Paradise St??) have been relaid by Amey. Nice job too.


That'll be because it's in a conservation area (as opposed to an Amey conversation area, which is where 3 blokes stand around talking while another bloke does some actual work). I thought they did a bit of a crap job, most of what were the yellow lines down the side of the road are now scattered about in the middle of it.

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