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Hilary Clinton the next American President.

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And brexiteers will never get over 50% votes.

Time will tell.

Those elections are not about democrats or republicans, they are about new and old oligarchy.

We saw something like this in Russia some time ago.

New oligarchy took over and old oligarchy fled to London.

Anyone fancies subletting to Clintons?

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After just watching her outperform Donald Trump on the Presidential debate, she just has to be.

Trump could literally take a dump on the stage and fling handfuls of it at Clinton during the debate and vast numbers of American voters would still vote for him. Many, many people aren't going to be swayed by reasoned debate or be put off by whopping great lies, dodgy business practices, casual racism, misogyny and the myriad other startling characteristics and actions that apparently don't disqualify you as a candidate for the American presidency. In fact, his core voters will see many of those features as a distinct advantage.


Read this, and keep an eye on this. It's going to be astonishingly, terrifyingly close.

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Trump could literally take a dump on the stage and fling handfuls of it at Clinton during the debate and vast numbers of American voters would still vote for him. Many, many people aren't going to be swayed by reasoned debate or be put off by whopping great lies, dodgy business practices, casual racism, misogyny and the myriad other startling characteristics and actions that apparently don't disqualify you as a candidate for the American presidency. In fact, his core voters will see many of those features as a distinct advantage.


Read this, and keep an eye on this. It's going to be astonishingly, terrifyingly close.


I watched the whole thing bar the first 5 mins live.


The host is no Dimbleby that's for sure. The audience aren't allowed to boo or cheer answers (they did a bit at the end though, for both candidates) but they did laugh a few times. My favourite was when Trump said his temperament is better than Clinton's.


His answer about not paying tax ("that makes me smart") was astonishing. As was his defence of the birther conspiracy.


He's all over the place on nuclear policy. And did he say China should go into North Korea at one point?? He had no clue about what to do about cyber warfare and his answer about the racial divide was very weak.

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Can you point to anything like that he said?

I know he said loads of stupid things but I cant recall anything racist.

In the debate? Didn't watch it. I'm referring to his campaign in general.

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After just watching her outperform Donald Trump on the Presidential debate, she just has to be.


Its funny how all the "progressives" are hoping for Hilary, she's the biggest Neo Con hawk going, whereas Trump wants tension between the US and Russia to simmer down and wants to end Americas escapades in the middle east, but oh, he's the big bad guy apparently! :rolleyes:

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