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Hilary Clinton the next American President.

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I could type out quite an exhaustive list of times Trump has been racist but this article contains quite a few well known examples.




Oh look, huffington post. That is truly reliable source - of leftie propaganda.

And even they could not come up with anything truly racist.

Stupid - yes.

Inappropriate - almost every time.

Insensitive - as could be expected.

But being endorsed by KKK boss is nothing to do with him because that is someone else doing something he has no control over.

Some of his employees could be racist.

But noone in their right mind can believe that Trump personally lied to black people trying to rent out some hole in Brooklyn.

That guy was never openly racist.

He is just openly stupid.


One example Clinton mentioned in the debate (other than being sued for refusing to rent apartments to black people) was when he called a former Miss Universe 'Miss Housekeeping' because she had a latino accent (and called her Miss Piggy).



She was in Miss Universe.

That is most sexist thing in eastern world and she singed up for it.

So Miss Piggy is irrelevant.

As for Miss Housekeeping ask your Polish plumber about it. Or Pakistani taxi driver. Its only racist if you really want it to be. It's not even mildly offensive. And it wasn't in 1996.


I'm astounded that he's got as far as this with all the outrageous comments he expresses.

I did wonder earlier in the campaign whether he was just acting the fool for reaction, and wasn't really being serious, he does seem to love all the attention, but even if he was, how could someone with no tact whatsoever ever be a suitable President?


Well he is lesser evil.

Completely unsuitable but lesser evil still.

They are pretty screwed on choices.

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Oh look, huffington post. That is truly reliable source - of leftie propaganda.

And even they could not come up with anything truly racist.

Stupid - yes.

Inappropriate - almost every time.

Insensitive - as could be expected.

But being endorsed by KKK boss is nothing to do with him because that is someone else doing something he has no control over.

Some of his employees could be racist.

But noone in their right mind can believe that Trump personally lied to black people trying to rent out some hole in Brooklyn.

That guy was never openly racist.

He is just openly stupid.


She was in Miss Universe.

That is most sexist thing in eastern world and she singed up for it.

So Miss Piggy is irrelevant.

As for Miss Housekeeping ask your Polish plumber about it. Or Pakistani taxi driver. Its only racist if you really want it to be. It's not even mildly offensive. And it wasn't in 1996.


Well he is lesser evil.

Completely unsuitable but lesser evil still.

They are pretty screwed on choices.


The source is irrelevant. You either believe the what the article contained or you don't. Do you think what was written in the Huffington Post was made up? If not, then like I said, the source is irrelevant.


Why do you think that no-one in their right mind could believe he lied to black people. It seems perfectly reasonable to me to suggest such a claim, nothing in his personality suggests the contrary.


'It's only racist if you want it to be'. What exactly is that meant to mean? Please can you clarify that statement. Are you suggesting that she is being overly sensitive, or that people should just shrug off comments like that, because it is par for the course.

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The source is irrelevant. You either believe the what the article contained or you don't. Do you think what was written in the Huffington Post was made up? If not, then like I said, the source is irrelevant.


Source is relevant. Although facts might be true they have very little to do with Trump being racist.

If I'll endorse you will that mean you are gun toting redneck?

If my employee will tell you that flat I own is no longer available will that mean I lied to you? And that I hate Robins? If someone else did it?

They link irrelevant facts from span of 30 years that might suggest he is racist in slightest way and they could only come up with 13 poor ones.


Why do you think that no-one in their right mind could believe he lied to black people. It seems perfectly reasonable to me to suggest such a claim, nothing in his personality suggests the contrary.

No-one in their right mind could believe he lied to THOSE SPECIFIC black people mentioned in that joke of an article. You know, those looking to rent properties through estate agency he owned.

I am sure he lied to black, brown, red, yellow and white. Gay, straight, men women and made up gender too. Multiple times. And that was proven.

But still nothing racist there.


'It's only racist if you want it to be'. What exactly is that meant to mean? Please can you clarify that statement. Are you suggesting that she is being overly sensitive, or that people should just shrug off comments like that, because it is par for the course.


Well there you have it.

I can't recall how many times someone used racist comments towards me. So F what. I used some unpleasant words in return. People will call you names.

If they cant use ones based on race or gender they will use those based on your intellectual capacity, assumed sexual preferences, social group or simply will call you a genital. Deal with it.

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Read this, and keep an eye on this. It's going to be astonishingly, terrifyingly close.


The first of these crashed my computer! :rant::hihi:


The second one when you open up the dropdown menu in 'who's ahead in each state' showing the chance of a vote swing, shows pretty much the downside to our politics too. It puts millions of people into pointless votes. Much like my constituency meaning my vote is guaranteed to have no effect whatsoever into which party runs the country.

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Well there you have it.

I can't recall how many times someone used racist comments towards me. So F what. I used some unpleasant words in return. People will call you names.

If they cant use ones based on race or gender they will use those based on your intellectual capacity, assumed sexual preferences, social group or simply will call you a genital. Deal with it.


So you think because you can deal with racist abuse you receive everybody else has to as well? That is absolutely ridiculous.

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Never have I envied the Americans less. The bigoted moron or the corrupt liar.

It's like that episode of the Simpsons where the 2 candidates were replaced by 2 aliens both bent on enslaving humanity.

There are other presidential candidates on offer you know. But the Americans won't vote for them, because I vote for a third party candidate is supposedly a "waste". More wasted than it would be on the moron or the liar? What the hell?

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Never have I envied the Americans less. The bigoted moron or the corrupt liar.

It's like that episode of the Simpsons where the 2 candidates were replaced by 2 aliens both bent on enslaving humanity.

There are other presidential candidates on offer you know. But the Americans won't vote for them, because I vote for a third party candidate is supposedly a "waste". More wasted than it would be on the moron or the liar? What the hell?


Or indeed South Park where they had a choice of a piece of crap or a giant douche. Its an awful choice admittedly, but this is a country who voted for GW Bush for President (twice) and a large number thought it a good idea for Sarah palin to be vice president.

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Will be a bad , bad day for the world if she wins.


Yes indeed. Almost as bad as if she loses and the other guy wins.

Have a look at the Libertarian party. If I were an American right now I'd seriously consider voting for them. I assume they'd moderate a little in government or at least be moderated by the system of distributed power which operates in their governmental system.

Edited by unbeliever
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