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Hilary Clinton the next American President.

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Apart from all the problems with the 2 candidates as people, each of them is very likely to increase the debt to GDP ratio of the US by at least a factor of 1.5.

Is it illegal for sane people to stand in this election or something?


---------- Post added 27-09-2016 at 22:31 ----------


Or indeed South Park where they had a choice of a piece of crap or a giant douche. Its an awful choice admittedly, but this is a country who voted for GW Bush for President (twice) and a large number thought it a good idea for Sarah palin to be vice president.


Yes. It took them 8 years but the Republicans finally found a more ridiculous candidate than Sarah Palin. Wow.

Edited by unbeliever
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I believe HRC will win, but also believe she already knows it cannot be "Politics as usual." PM May must also be getting the same understanding, things have to change before the whole electorate revolts, and anyone that has ever been a politician or associated with one will never get back into politics.


Bernie Saunders has fired up the US electorate, is still around, and HRC knows what the Democratic voters will expect. The African Americans and Latinos also want significant changes to their lot and will soon outline what the cost of their support will be.


Whatever you may think of HRC, the potential of Trump getting into the Whitehouse

has to avoided at any cost. The fox would be looking after the chickens !

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I am far from being a Trump fan, and the word out is that his support comes chiefly from working class males who have no love for bossy women or black people of any persuasion. But I'm also hearing stuff from bright people looking for a change in the Nation's direction. So maybe he will get in despite what we've all been seeing. One of two things will happen. He will, with the help of a lot smarter people than he, create a change better for our economy and our future, or , more likely, last one term or finish up impeached. Thank the Lord Canada is still there.

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I am far from being a Trump fan, and the word out is that his support comes chiefly from working class males who have no love for bossy women or black people of any persuasion. But I'm also hearing stuff from bright people looking for a change in the Nation's direction. So maybe he will get in despite what we've all been seeing. One of two things will happen. He will, with the help of a lot smarter people than he, create a change better for our economy and our future, or , more likely, last one term or finish up impeached. Thank the Lord Canada is still there.


He doesn't listen to advice and he's a moron.

If he knew that he was a moron that would be one thing as he would know to do what smart people tell him. But he doesn't know he's a moron so he'll do what he thinks is best. This will be, without fail, the worst possible thing to do in any situation.

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He doesn't listen to advice and he's a moron.

If he knew that he was a moron that would be one thing as he would know to do what smart people tell him. But he doesn't know he's a moron so he'll do what he thinks is best. This will be, without fail, the worst possible thing to do in any situation.


If he gets in, he wont do half the things he says he will do. Lots of bluster, a few sound bites and embarrassing political faux pas (he might ask terresa may to put the kettle on - summat like that) but he wont deport people by the million and he wont build that wall on the Mexican border. Have you seen whats there now? A thwacking great fence then miles of desert. Hes a big fat liar with a daft haircut.

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I had a good laugh from the last few emails, "Thank God Canada is still there" and "He's a big fat liar with a daft haircut." Ain't that the truth !!!

What many don 't understand is that HRC is the only thing standing between Trump and the White House, & nuclear firing controls. Bossy or not, she is a million times an improvement over Trump.

But she will have to move away from politics as usual.


The "Working class white males" mentioned above are driving his candidacy and they want a non politician to "Make America great again" who will bring back millions of jobs now in China, India and Mexico.

There may be someone out there that can do it, but Trump is not that person. It would be out of the fat into the fire ! He's best left building hotels and golf courses, where he can do no more damage than stiff the small businesses contracting to him.

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