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Why do so many people still speed when driving?

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There are cameras everywhere these days, 50mph enforcements and yet people still dive at 70mph within these zones (maybe faster)


Speed awareness course industry is booming so why do so many people think they won't get caught?


I got done about 4 years ago, I used to drive based on the road conditions that I saw in front of me.


Now I look at my speedometer when driving and I always seem to have an aggressive person driving 2 inches from my bumper (which never used to happen)


Are these speed cameras not switched on or something?


How can people still get away with speeding these days?

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I reckon much of it is down to people not driving smartly.


For the past few days I've noticed people looking down at their phones when they're sat waiting at red lights.


Then, when the lights change, they're not ready and cost two or three cars getting though on green.


I probably see this into triple figures every day. Not just at lights, just whilst driving.

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I reckon much of it is down to people not driving smartly.


For the past few days I've noticed people looking down at their phones when they're sat waiting at red lights.


Then, when the lights change, they're not ready and cost two or three cars getting though on green.


on the Penistone Road / Rutland Road junction, missing the lights because some idiot in a light-blue Germanese binwagen means twenty cars get in front of you.


Hence I do this:



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On the flipside - following a pair of chatty ladies doing 30 miles an hour on Derbyshire roads where the limit is 50 is also no fun. I am all for the introduction of a 5-year re-test and a much, much better initial driver training becoming mandatory for everybody.

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If it is the case that so many people, perhaps a majority of people, are breaking a particular law, perhaps one has to ask whether its a bad law?


So because we all see people using mobiles whilst driving, let's make it legal :roll: .

Drivers can't be bothered to stick to the speed limit - let's increase the speed limits. :loopy:

Edited by AMR67
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