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End of a music era

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I've heard a rumour that Cool Wax records has shut its doors for good. I honestly don't know if its true but if it is its very sad. CW was a key record store in sheffield and i bought some cracking tunes from there. I'll miss it. Its the end of an era and sheffield is poorer without it.

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I'm sorry, but how could you equate Cool Wax closing to the "end of a music era"? It's rubbish - second only to Reflex in terms of utter sh*tness. The Store closing affected music in Shef greatly. But Cool Wax?

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I'm sorry, but how could you equate Cool Wax closing to the "end of a music era"? It's rubbish - second only to Reflex in terms of utter sh*tness. The Store closing affected music in Shef greatly. But Cool Wax?

DefStef... I don't know you, but I totally agree with the above statement!


Cool Wax prices for vinyl are shocking, and the "service" leaves a lot to be desired... :(:mad:

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I think shops like Cool Wax, Studio Beatz and Reflex essentially cater for people who hate music. Everyone looks miserable. Worth checking out though, as these kinds of places become archive repositories for good records that they bought by accident, and which have become extinct elsewhere. If it's not bassline, it will remain untouched (in many cases, still sealed) by the Burberry mongoloids that populate them.

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I have to agree, the record shop situation in Sheffield is embaressing. If your not into house/garage/cheese you really struggle....Cool Wax is especially sh*te.

I'm into soul/funk/hip hop/dub etc and it makes more sense to jump on a train to manc or get on the internet than bother with most of what Sheffield has to offer :o

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I have to agree, the record shop situation in Sheffield is embaressing. If your not into house/garage/cheese you really struggle....Cool Wax is especially sh*te.

I'm into soul/funk/hip hop/dub etc and it makes more sense to jump on a train to manc or get on the internet than bother with most of what Sheffield has to offer :o


Yeah, those £100 excursions to Oldham Street really hurt the wallet. Really, there's only Lowlife/Natural Shy for decent dancier stuff these days, and even they have been pushed to a site where they're not likely to get passing trade from someone who didn't know they were there. Compare this to a few years ago when The Store was still on Division St., Fopp had an extensive vinyl selection upstairs, the Forum had VM (is that what it was called when it was upstairs, too - or only when it was downstairs before the Drum 'n' Bass Arena shop?), Broomhill had Nutopia, Lowlife had just opened ('til 7pm every day at that point) and all of this was fields.


[edit:] I forgot to mention Fox's records. Shef to the bone.

There's still some good shops for older/more obscure stuff - Spin City, Forever Changes, Record Collector - but shops like The Store helped to construct a halo of culture which is sadly receding. I don't know, maybe it's a fashion thing. Kids like guitars these days (luddites).

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