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Vitamin D deficency

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Finally after 4 months of feeling I'll I have an official diagnosis,

Ive gone every day feeling weak with aching arms and legs unable to walk for more than 5 mins, pins and needles in hands feet and legs,

sharp needle like stabbing pains all over body, a sore tongue and mouth ulcers, feeling faint, headache and dizzyness all day everyday, disturbed vision.

Had a blood test done and its vitamin D deficency now got medication for it, so as anyone else suffered the same fate and how long did it take for you to start feeling better again .

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Finally after 4 months of feeling I'll I have an official diagnosis,

Ive gone every day feeling weak with aching arms and legs unable to walk for more than 5 mins, pins and needles in hands feet and legs,

sharp needle like stabbing pains all over body, a sore tongue and mouth ulcers, feeling faint, headache and dizzyness all day everyday, disturbed vision.

Had a blood test done and its vitamin D deficency now got medication for it, so as anyone else suffered the same fate and how long did it take for you to start feeling better again .


Do you understand why you are deficient?

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It is estimated that there are now thousands of people in this country who are deficient in vitamin D because so many people live their lives indoors and are so very good at observing the advice about avoiding sun and wearing high factor sunscreen that they no longer make adequate vitamin D. It is very unlikely that you are the only one in this position.


I don't go out in the sun but I do take a supplement with vitamin D to hopefully get around that one.

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It is estimated that there are now thousands of people in this country who are deficient in vitamin D because so many people live their lives indoors and are so very good at observing the advice about avoiding sun and wearing high factor sunscreen that they no longer make adequate vitamin D. It is very unlikely that you are the only one in this position.


I don't go out in the sun but I do take a supplement with vitamin D to hopefully get around that one.


Do you only come out at night then?

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I was diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency at the beginning of this year after taking part in a research study.

My levels were extremely low. I have been lucky enough to have 2 holidays abroad this year so my levels will be good at the moment - but at the end of this month I will start taking the supplement I was recommended (10mcgs per day) which can be bought over the counter to ensure my levels don't dip down again during the winter. I use factor 15 - 20 sunscreen as I have very fair skin and burn easily.

I work in an area which has no natural daylight and I work shifts - sometimes I don't get any natural daylight for 5 days out of the week. My symptoms were feeling achingly tired all the time and my nails were constantly splitting.

I am hoping that by taking the supplement daily throughout the winter my overall health will be better since my calcium update will improve .

Vitamin D enables the body to absorb calcium from the diet - without it rickets (in the young)and low bone density will occur which can be the cause of fractures - very common in women of my age.

Edited by Daven
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Do you only come out at night then?


No, but I do burn very easily even in a few minutes in this country in what we laughingly call a summer. I wear sunscreen when it's raining and cover up with long clothes on top of my sunscreen and add a wide brimmed hat when it's sunny.


I'm very blonde and have pale skin which is decorated with hundreds of moles, each of which increases my risk of one of them turning into a melanoma, and I'd already had 2 abnormal moles removed before I was 20.


Me and sun aren't best mates, put it that way :)

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My OH was feeling the same, he had a blood test and his vitamin D level was 8. The Doctor said it should be above 50 but below 100. He now takes 25000iu in a single dose every month. We have just moved house, and had to change G.P's, following his latest blood test which show vit D to be ok, the doctor wants him to carry on with his medication and seeing as he's still in pain, more tests are to be done.

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Ive gone every day feeling weak with aching arms and legs unable to walk for more than 5 mins, pins and needles in hands feet and legs,


What diet are you on? A few months ago when we had a lot of hot weather I lost my appetite, living on tea and biscuits for a few weeks, and my legs started to feel weak. After a few cooked meals I was back to normal.

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