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Ticking time bomb?

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26% of women aged between 16-24 reported symptoms of common mental disorders in one week, compared to 9% of men in the same age group.


Self harming in young women has gone from 7% in 2000, to 20% in 2014, a really worrying upward trend.


Why are young women so mixed up?



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In my area we have seen a rise in mental health issues in young people of both sex's some sadly take their own life. The issues are varied some are personal problems others related to drug problems and lack of help. In my area we have seen many support services cut or closed, in 2000 we had quite a few women support groups around. Plus the times we live theirs no security as such in my area has been hit hard by the economic downturn which leave many feeling theirs no hope.

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26% of women aged between 16-24 reported symptoms of common mental disorders in one week, compared to 9% of men in the same age group.


Self harming in young women has gone from 7% in 2000, to 20% in 2014, a really worrying upward trend.


Why are young women so mixed up?






Young girls feel pressure! I think it starts at secondary school, in the early years too not at 16!


Her hair might not the right colour, it might be too curly, too oily, too thin.


Her skin might be too spotty, too oily, to dry.


Her body might be too fat, too thin, too pear shaped.


Her clothes might not be designer.


Her parents might be poor.


Her shoes are probably old and dirty.



Other girls are the problem!


And it doesnt stop after school! The pressure of being told you can be anything, a mother or a career woman or both! there will always be someone somewhere saying, she doesnt see her kids enough she's always at work, she's lazy because she doesn't work because she thinks looking after kids is a full time job etc etc.....


Other women are the problem!


Bitchyness from being a young teenager to a young woman and you get sick of it.. Girls should be empowering each other not tearing each other apart because of how someone may look or how someone chooses to spend their lives.. Why do women have to be so bitchy?


PLUS!!! chuck boys/men and hormones into it and it makes the situation a thousand times worse!!

Edited by Chelle-82
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People seem to think we've had a sudden upsurge - we haven't as with most things we've had an upsurge in reporting.

Which is good, people should feel able to address personal issues without any stigma attached.


Everyone suffers low mood or some feelings of insecurity regardless of colour ,creed or wealth it's human physiology.

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Why are young women so mixed up?
The pervasiveness of always-on/-anywhere social media.


Has elevated peer pressure and bullying onto a whole new level, and only getting worse.


It will take a long time until people realise how noxious the misuse of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and suchlike is proving to be in social terms, personally so much as society-wide, and locally so much as internationally.


There's a metric ton of issues beyond young female metal health, the blame for which I place squarely and quasi-exclusively at their electronic feet :|

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