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Takeaways, chip shops, coffee shops etc..responsible for obesity?

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It isn't trolling


Have you seen the amount of obese people there are?


YOunger people?


Do you think this is acceptable?


I hate to see fat kids and i think something should be done to combat obesity in the young but i truly believe it should start at home like anything else.. Everytime i see a fat kid i feel so sorry for them, they have no idea what strain on their body is and they're not even fully grown..


Schools are trying to make a difference by offering a more healthy choice and banning tuck shops etc.


When i hear people talk about how their kids wont eat veg or fruit so getting anything down them is better than nothing at all :gag: and those parents that 'treat' their kids with sweets and chocolate if they've been good or they've ate all the food on their plate.. If your child has eaten all their food on their plate then do they really need more food??


And kids are lazy! simple... too busy sat on their bums at the computer screen or on their phones and parents are too busy to take their kids to after school clubs like football and dance etc.

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It isn't trolling


Have you seen the amount of obese people there are?


YOunger people?


Do you think this is acceptable?


I think it's perfectly acceptable yes. People are free to make their own lifestyle choices or, for those of their children. Much of what is said about being overweight is actually factually incorrect anyway and, unless you're morbidly obese, there is very little danger from it. Compared to say, being underweight...




So maybe for balance, you should be asking some newsagents to ask questions of young girls buying blatantly image conscious magazines?

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I hate to see fat kids and i think something should be done to combat obesity in the young but i truly believe it should start at home like anything else.. Everytime i see a fat kid i feel so sorry for them, they have no idea what strain on their body is and they're not even fully grown..


Schools are trying to make a difference by offering a more healthy choice and banning tuck shops etc.


When i hear people talk about how their kids wont eat veg or fruit so getting anything down them is better than nothing at all :gag: and those parents that 'treat' their kids with sweets and chocolate if they've been good or they've ate all the food on their plate.. If your child has eaten all their food on their plate then do they really need more food??


And kids are lazy! simple... too busy sat on their bums at the computer screen or on their phones and parents are too busy to take their kids to after school clubs like football and dance etc.


I agree, it's not the child's fault, and its a bad start in life.

My partner's son can be difficult with food. He's slim and active so weight gain isn't an issue, but he would rather eat sweets and rubbish than fruit and healthy snacks. We often cook food from scratch with plenty of vegetables, and his dad limits his intake of sugary sweets and fizzy drinks. I don't know what he gets at his mums though. Sometimes he will refuse to eat rather than eat the fruit offered, even though he likes fruit and says he is hungry.

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I agree, it's not the child's fault, and its a bad start in life.

My partner's son can be difficult with food. He's slim and active so weight gain isn't an issue, but he would rather eat sweets and rubbish than fruit and healthy snacks. We often cook food from scratch with plenty of vegetables, and his dad limits his intake of sugary sweets and fizzy drinks. I don't know what he gets at his mums though. Sometimes he will refuse to eat rather than eat the fruit offered, even though he likes fruit and says he is hungry.


It has to be understood that kids can be fussy, but its how you counteract that.. It frustrates me when parents are too lazy themselves to provide healthy wholesome meals to their kids because it's easier chucking pizza or nuggets in the oven! You have to put the work in from a young age..


My daughter used to get her dad to buy her sweets and pop all the time by telling him i never gave her anything and it was only about 2yrs ago i found out!! I was fuming.... He knows what i am like and how i was when we were together, always cooking meals from scratch and from my daughter being a baby i have fed her home cooked food, i used to mash up vegetables and feed them her rather than give her bought baby food.. I've made her sit at the table and finish every veg on her plate and i also made sure she had fruit instead of chocolate or sweets when she was ''hungry''.. and we have always had desserts after our meals as i have a sweet tooth but our desserts consist of greek yoghurt with berries and honey and cinnamon or along them lines..


I am a big believer that food is fuel and anything that isnt nutritious isn't doing anything for you.. Of course i have always allowed her to have sweets and chocolates but only as a real 'treat' like when we go to the cinema or after she's come back from dancing, swimming or running..


Her dad said i was being strict but i dont see it that way, i'm just looking out for her and her health, it's not about her body image either! i just want her to grow up healthy and carry it on into adulthood so she lives a long and happy life.. If she grows up and her only issue with me is that i didnt let her eat enough bad foods then i'll take that and be happy with it..

Edited by Chelle-82
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So maybe for balance, you should be asking some newsagents to ask questions of young girls buying blatantly image conscious magazines?


If it was mostly down to young girls being too "image conscious"; why are the girls not slim?

We have a problem with obesity.


Government sets the norms of society, what is okay in schools, how children get to school, how much exercise they get, people get hundreds £££ of pounds in benefits, for the purpose of buying a car so that families do not get exercise.

The roads are not safe enough for kids to walk/cycle; shopping/films/bowling is out of town - so you get in the car to go there.


Blame the Government?

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