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Donation bags through your letterbox

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How is it fraudulent? You get rid of unwanted clothes and they are recycled.

I think what Grahamy means is that there are some collection bags that have printed info on them saying a percentage of the cash raised from the selling on of collected textiles etc will go to a named charity, when it doesn't. The money is kept by the enterprise that is running it. Sometimes the named charity on the bag doesn't even exist.

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Best advice is to take any unwanted items to a charity shop of your choosing - what they do with the stuff is unknown really but at least it doesn't end up on ebay or a car boot !


Some of it may well end up on ebay. The better organised shops will recognise valuable items and maximise their income.

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Still no bags. Anyone getting them?

There will probably be less of the dodgy bag scam ones being distributed because the amount of cash paid out for textile recycling has crashed to an all time low, so it's not really worth the effort for the scamsters.

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I used to take loads of things to charity shops but stopped as the best stuff was always taken by the staff with no donation made and never made it out into the shop where it was intended to go for sale.


This is true and also the men who pick them up from your house for charity shops also rifle through them first. The most genuine are The British Heart Foundation who ask you over the phone what items you want picking up then you sign a form with the stated articles when the men come to your door.

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I used to take loads of things to charity shops but stopped as the best stuff was always taken by the staff with no donation made and never made it out into the shop where it was intended to go for sale.


Have you reported any instances of this, with proof, to the shop managers or charities?

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Have you reported any instances of this, with proof, to the shop managers or charities?
LOL, bless! :hihi:


Not meant as a personal dig, max, but shop management is routinely the mafia don first picker in such instances.


Seen it plenty enough, both at the coalface and from hearsay of friends volunteering in such shops. That said, at least one shop I know does enforce 'at least token donation' from first-picking staff. For the stores that do, I suppose it's just overhead for the staff before the picked stuff finds its way to eBay or Gumtree or Shpock (yes, I have seen some our donated stuff FS on there, and not being auctioned/sold by the shop) ;)


Hey, I ain't going to cast any stones: at the end of the day, they're volunteers. They could choose to spend their time in front of Jeremy Kyle on t'box with a cup of tea instead.


Still, in agreement with Daven and scousemouse. Any stuff we donate, we take directly to Bluebell Wood stores. We never use donation bags. I don't think I've ever seen them collected by the same person once, in the 8 years we've lived where we do.

Edited by L00b
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