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Dystopia, It's all too awful

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Dystopia. It's all too awful.


The following is only an opinion

. There will be phenomena that will drastically change humanity.

In the future oil at astronomical prices and it will run out -and oil based technology will disappear. Water will increasingly be in short supply and nations will go to war in order to secure it. Eventually, it will run out.

The Arctic and Antarctic will be ravaged for their resources.

Military Industrial complexes will emerge and democracy will disappear and nations will be on a permanent war footing. Terrorism will be a permanent feature in society. The printed book will disappear.


How likely is any of it to emerge ?



"It took chickens almost a century to learn not to cross the road "

(Umberto Eco).

Edited by petemcewan
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Distopia. It's all too aweful.


The following is only an opinion

. There will be phenomena that will drastically change humanity.

In the future oil at astronomical prices and it will run out -and oil based technology will disappear. Water will increasingly be in short supply and nations will go to war in order to secure it. Eventually, it will run out.

The Arctic and Antarctic will be ravaged for their resources.

Military Industrial complexes will emerge and democracy will disappear and nations will be on a permanent war footing. Terrorism will be a permanent feature in society. The printed book will disappear.


How likely is any of it to emerge ?



"It took chickens almost a century to learn not to cross the road "

(Umberto Eco).




Oil will be replaced long before it runs out. There was never a shortage of oil, only a hypothetical shortage of oil which it was economically viable to extract with earlier technology.

The Hubbert peak phenomenon on which the prophecies of global peak oil were based was a silly simplistic analysis of supply and demand which history has shown was just wrong.



The same false logic being applied to water is even more far fetched as water is almost never actually destroyed.

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Distopia. It's all too aweful.


The following is only an opinion

. There will be phenomena that will drastically change humanity.

In the future oil at astronomical prices and it will run out -and oil based technology will disappear. Water will increasingly be in short supply and nations will go to war in order to secure it. Eventually, it will run out.

The Arctic and Antarctic will be ravaged for their resources.

Military Industrial complexes will emerge and democracy will disappear and nations will be on a permanent war footing. Terrorism will be a permanent feature in society. The printed book will disappear.


How likely is any of it to emerge ?


"It took chickens almost a century to learn not to cross the road "

(Umberto Eco).


We've never had it so good. The world is a relatively safe place, disease, famine and war are less of threat now than they have ever been. Water and fuel will not run out - the human race will find a way.



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We've never had it so good. The world is a relatively safe place, disease, famine and war are less of threat now than they have ever been. Water and fuel will not run out - the human race will find a way.




I really do admire the capacity for eternal optimism.


But with due respect . Almost all of us hold the idea of infinite progress- having imbibed it with our infant formula , through the sterilized rubber tit.


We could refer to it as the ,Eternal Sterilized Nipple of Optimism.


According to G. Harry Stein , in a not too distant Utopia there will be enormous orbiting satellites beaming down enough energy for everybody to do everything.


The current US drone "Reaper" doesn't bode good for future world peace.





Trends are at play globally. We are seeing the return of great power politics – and with it, the risk of powerful states going to war.


I'm chilling dude.

Edited by petemcewan
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Distopia. It's all too aweful.


The following is only an opinion

. There will be phenomena that will drastically change humanity.

In the future oil at astronomical prices and it will run out -and oil based technology will disappear. Water will increasingly be in short supply and nations will go to war in order to secure it. Eventually, it will run out.

The Arctic and Antarctic will be ravaged for their resources.

Military Industrial complexes will emerge and democracy will disappear and nations will be on a permanent war footing. Terrorism will be a permanent feature in society. The printed book will disappear.


How likely is any of it to emerge ?



"It took chickens almost a century to learn not to cross the road "

(Umberto Eco).

"Oil based technology" will swap over to similar fuels and materials, bioethanol, vegetable oil, etc.


The rest of your post, what makes you think any of it might happen?

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According to G. Harry Stein , in a not too distant Utopia there will be enormous orbiting satellites beaming down enough energy for everybody to do everything.


I think that is a far flung idea and there is more chance that cold fusion will play a part than that.

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"Oil based technology" will swap over to similar fuels and materials, bioethanol, vegetable oil, etc.


The rest of your post, what makes you think any of it might happen?




First,what do you think those products will be like ? There's an awful lot of products based on oil .


Second . The likes of Bill Mc Kibben ,"The End Of Nature".

Observing political developments.

"The Long Emergency"/

the author's name slips my mind at the moment.

Johnathan Schell's ,"Fate Of The Earth ".

The continuation of democracy isn't guaranteed forever.


Books are being replaced by digital media.


Not being clever, but what makes you think it won't ?



Edited by petemcewan
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I think that is a far flung idea and there is more chance that cold fusion will play a part than that.


I generally agree, but correct me if I'm wrong: you don't mean "cold fusion", but "fusion" in general. All the serious research into fusion as a practical energy source for mankind involves temperatures of the order of 10,000,000ºC.

"Cold" fusion is something of a joke in mainstream scientific circles. Not least because everything we know about nuclear physics tells us that it's nonsense.

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