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Dystopia, It's all too awful

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The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is demonstrably increasing.

I don't think that capitalism makes it inevitable though, we just need better mechanisms to help avoid it happening.


That needs a global push. You could ban/enforce/bully every tax haven in the world and more would spring up. And whats the definition of a tax haven? You've got the Cayman islands etc but the likes of the Netherlands and Ireland aren't far off.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Greenpeace exaggerating the effects of climate change, there's a surprise. :loopy:




You know that for sure ? You are not a climate change denialist are you ?

The Arctic is in danger not just due to climate change, but also from the scramble for its resources.


Arctic waters will get overfished.



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You know that for sure ? You are not a climate change denialist are you ?

The Arctic is in danger not just due to climate change, but also from the scramble for its resources.


Arctic waters will get overfished.




Okay and now I'm not listening to you.

"You're not a climate change denialist are you?"

This is not how reason works.

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Okay and now I'm not listening to you.

"You're not a climate change denialist are you?"

This is not how reason works.




You have now set yourself up as an arbiter on how reason works. It doesn't serve any purpose by insinuating that I'm not prepared to read anything by Randy .Of course I'm prepared to read -and comment on-anything that contributes to the discussion.


What have you got to say about the Arctic and its future ?

Edited by petemcewan
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You have now set yourself up as an arbiter on how reason works. It doesn't serve any purpose by insinuating that I'm not prepared to read anything by Randy .Of course I'm prepared to read -and comment on-anything that contributes to the discussion.


What have you got to say about the Arctic and its future ?


I'm arbiter of who I consider reasonable.

I do not consider it reasonable to use the term "denialist" for those who fail to automatically accept all the most alarmist scientists' statements on climate change. If I did that I'd expect to find no ice in Greenland for a start.

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I'm arbiter of who I consider reasonable.

I do not consider it reasonable to use the term "denialist" for those who fail to automatically accept all the most alarmist scientists' statements on climate change. If I did that I'd expect to find no ice in Greenland for a start.




I beg to differ. I think it's perfectly reasonable to use the term,"denialist".



So that anybody reading this thread can have an idea of the import of the term denialism here is the definition.






Climate change denial. ... It involves denial, dismissal, unwarranted doubt or contrarian views which depart from the scientific opinion on climate change, including the extent to which it is caused by humans, its impacts on nature and human society, or the potential of adaptation to global warming by human actions.


The above-for me- is a perfectly reasonable description of denialism.

However, there are denialists who prefer to call themselves ," climate change skeptics.I personally do not consider the use of the term denialism to be a form of insult. As the glaciers in Svalbard retreat, the time for complacency has passed.


Climate change denial - Wikipedia



I'd certainly read with interest anything that you consider to be examples of alarmist scenarios put forward by climate change scientists.


Do we have to wait until there is a ring of fire in the atmosphere before we wake up to the urgency of controlling our polluting activities .


Note, In case it has crossed your mind. I'm not a "Deep Ecologist ".

Edited by petemcewan
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