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Missing in Sheffield ,1994

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The train pulls into platform one at Sheffield Midland station the sky is bleak I get my rucksack from the rack above my seat. I'm on leave for three day's it been two years since Iv been to Sheffield I'm hopeing to find my daughter who Iv never met her mother secretly had given birth to her has at the time we had parted only a slip up by a friend of hers told me about her. Has I made my way out of the station my thoughts were of where to start to look for her the last I heard about my ex was she was living in a flat at Park Hill on Hague Row but she loved to do ' moonlights ' she was hopeless with money . I needed somewhere to stay I ask an old women she look but didn't answer the sky was getting dark and light was starting to fade.


I tryed a couple of hotels both were full then I asked an man if he knew a decent B&B to stay at he replied ' try the Queens Hotel on Scotland Street the landlady let's out rooms their or even just for half a night ' the man laughed then walked away getting cold I thought better try their then . I found Scotland Street went past an Police Station up an hill the street was dimly lit came across an pub an couple came out of the door I ask ' is this the Queens Hotel' ? the man replied ' no lad further up you will not miss it' the couple staggered off. Then the street went down a bit noticed a pub lamp I noticed a young women standing alone outside she looked then said ' what's up luv never seen a working girl?' I thought better not to answer. I went into the pub I asked ' Is this the Queens Hotel' ? Saw a couple of old blokes with flat capes on also noticed their dog on the floor they looked up. Then an loud women's voice ' yeah what else would it be' the women looked early 50s wearing a mini skirt and boots and an tank top on ' I understand you let rooms out I need one for three days got one free'? She answered ' yeah luv tenner a night breakfast extra for two pounds want it then'? Better than nothing ' yeah I will take it' ' room five second floor little room basic luv. She handed me the key and I went upstairs the place was run down cheap wallpaper on the walls heavy colours. I got to the second floor opened the door the landlady was right it was basic complete with in-house spider web. I put down my rucksack opened my wallet a battered piece of paper with an address on perhaps a starting point . I lay down on the bed the rain was hitting hard on the window I fell asleep.

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I woke up to the sound of cars outside the sun was out I got dressed the bathroom was down the hallway after doing this I went down stairs into a room tables were laid out for breakfast noticed a businessman sat in the corner reading a paper he noticed me ' morning lad' I replied ' morning'. The landlady came though ' morning luv full English is it' I said yes she brought out my breakfast well I think it was a bit brunt.


After leaving the pub I thought I would try Park Hill first so made my way though the streets the sky was clear the sun was getting warm my thoughts were do I start ? I finally arrived at Park Hill could hear pounding music away nothing changes here . Found Hague Row number 2 I was looking for went passed the uniform doors then number two was in front of me I knocked on the door I could hear movement of footsteps getting near the door opened ' what do you want mate ' an man in his early 30s stood their half dressed not in a good mood ' I'm looking for Lisa ' he looked at me ' Lisa who'? ' Lisa Hill' why? Came back the answer ' I need to ask her something' he looked even more ' she my ex pal she at Manor Top 13 City Road' . He then slammed the door shut I walked away thinking was it my child? I went down to the bus station found the bus to go up to Manor Top the ride was short passing council houses . Then I arrived at City Road the traffic was heavy I struggled to cross it the area was busy with shoppers I found a row of houses and number 13 I stood looking at it for a while then went up the path banged on the door I waited.


Part two tomorrow.

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