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Missing in Sheffield ,1994 ' The Search ' Final chapter

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I woke up the next morning still trying to make sence of what has happened in the 24 hours before but I knew more than ever I needed to find my daughter Linda . Where was she ,who's looking after her? I got up had a quick wash and passing on breakfast I decided to head back too Manor Top to the house where Lisa had lived surly the women their knew more than she let on ? Headed down stairs noticed a local paper on a table with the headline : Local Women Killed On Busy Sheffield Road' I noticed the date 20th May 1994 Iv lost track of days and time I opened the door onto the street the sky was overcast but not too cold. I made my way to Manor Top passing by the almost familiar streets.


I arrived at the house not really knowing what to say but Iv got have some answers. I knocked on the door it opened the women looked at me surprised. ' Your back luv you know about Lisa then ' ? I replied ' yes I seen it happen I need too ask you a few questions ' she looked ' OK then come in my name is Dot' We went into a room it was almost bare just a TV in the corner a couple of battered chairs ' sit down what's your name then ' ? I'm William Smith I said Dot then sat down ' Lisa had it rough you know that lad up Park Hill was bad news I think he was a bus driver he threw her out I think their was a boyfriend before him an Navy guy I think' I looked at Dot ' that was me we had a daughter together' Dot' s face dropped 'O' she said. ' how long did Lisa live here then ' ? Dot replied ' six months she came and went she worked down Kelhem Island' Dot stopped and then looked out of the window . ' I know about that ' Dot turned round ' bad mistake I know things are not easy employment wise but anything is better than that' Dot started to look uneasy. ' do you know were my daughter is Dot?' Dot looked ' the only person who might have an answer to that is Dan , Lisa's ex but he's quick with his fists careful luv' I got up out of the chair I thanked Dot for her time it was clear she didn't know anymore . I left the house knowing a bit more .


I went though the arch into the Park Hill flats noticed an burnt out car rubbish blowing about I was heading towards Hague Row it was clear Lisa' s life was not good here . I found the flat knocked on the door I could hear loud music playing then the door opened fast ' what do you want pal I see its you again what now?' he looked at me with anger in his eyes ' I need to ask you something mate about Lisa's daughter' he thought for a minute ' better come in pal' the flat was small and things thrown on the floor music blaring out he switch off the radio. ' ask me then' I could see he was a man with a temper ' did you know where my daughter is now ?' he looked at me ' yes she had a daughter but the girl is mine her name is Linda but the social took her off me saying I was not a fit parent plus Lisa was on the game down on Kelhelm Island when I found out I threw her out she went to live with her ' madam' at Manor Top' I couldn't believe what I was hearing ' are you sure it was your daughter ' he looked even more angery ' yes I'm sure pal I should know !' he then sat down looking at me ' why the questions ' I replied I was Lisa's ex and been told she had a child that was mine.' Yes she did have a another girl but it was stillborn before she met me are you that ex who was in the Navy ?' I replied yes .He looked ' If Lisa hadn't got involved with that Dot we would still be a family, I want you to go now' I left the room the music resumed I closed the door behide me and left.


I got back to the hotel where I was staying went upstairs dropped on the bed it was getting dark I started to pack my bags it was time to leave Sheffield I had my answers I handed in my key at the bar the landlady just looked . The railway station was busy my train was in I got onboard it pulled out I watched as Sheffield melted away in the distance.

Edited by crookedspire
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