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Letter Stating i got pulled over when i was asleep at home!!

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If its that easy for someone to use my name without even my license i might aswel use someone elses name, Good job traffic police thought you would have the proper equipment to identify someone that gets pulled over. Tax payers paying for my court and lawyer for your mistake.

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This is serious. You need to contact the Police straight away and ask that the officer to describe the person they spoke to. If local ask to meet the officer so they can see it wasn't you they spoke to. Once you can prove it wasn't you driving you may need to go to Court to get the conviction quashed


This happened to my brother-in-law. Annoyingly it was his brother that impersonated him but fortunately they looked very different and after going through the above steps Steve got the records cleared and Mark got his comeuppance


Hope you get it sorted soon

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This is serious. You need to contact the Police straight away and ask that the officer to describe the person they spoke to. If local ask to meet the officer so they can see it wasn't you they spoke to. Once you can prove it wasn't you driving you may need to go to Court to get the conviction quashed


This happened to my brother-in-law. Annoyingly it was his brother that impersonated him but fortunately they looked very different and after going through the above steps Steve got the records cleared and Mark got his comeuppance


Hope you get it sorted soon


Yeah thanks i contacted them they told me to email them i emailed before i wrote this post and you have commented before they have replied to my email lol

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