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Taking 8 million quids worth of Jewelery on a trip to Paris?

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Haha, on a similar vein, apparently some nude photos were taken as well :




"Kardashian then went on to make a heart-felt plea to the robbers: “If you can’t return the photos, please just leave them safe in a public place – Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Picasa…”"

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She was there for the Paris Fashion Week so i imagine many wealthy ''celebrities'' were wearing excessive amounts of expensive jewellery..



If you have $8 million of jewellery what else are you going to do with it?

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I hope that this is a wake up call, to the whole of the Kardashian clan, that they need to be more careful what they put into the spotlight. This was obviously a very well planned crime, which Kim basically helped with - tweeting what jewellery she had, where she was going to be etc. Hopefully they'll all be a bit quieter online going forward!

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I hope that this is a wake up call, to the whole of the Kardashian clan, that they need to be more careful what they put into the spotlight. This was obviously a very well planned crime, which Kim basically helped with - tweeting what jewellery she had, where she was going to be etc. Hopefully they'll all be a bit quieter online going forward!

Wake up and smell the coffee.


Once the story dies down, then all of a sudden the jewellery will turn up again another drama will make the news headlines.

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