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Taking 8 million quids worth of Jewelery on a trip to Paris?

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If you plaster all your lifestyle all over stupid facebook, what do you expect? I have to say it all seems a bit convenient............This woman is hell bent on self publicity, apart form that does she actually do anything?


Millions plaster their lives on Facebook, do they deserve to robbed at gunpoint?


In fact, she has done nothing wrong. In a decent world, she should be able to wear all the jewelry she wants without risk of being robbed.

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The plot thickens:


Kim Kardashian West's bodyguard 'declared bankruptcy and owes €1 million'



There's a film in this. With Kanye's ego demanding he plays multiple roles and declaring mid film, and without irony, 'you are now watching the world's greatest living actor!'


The role of Kim's derrière can be given to Wincobank Hill.

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