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Old pub sign of elm tree pub


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ive have a old pub sign of a pub in sheffield anyone know if it would be worth saving or just getting rid of it


Don't throw it away whatever you do !Back street pubs are going fast and like the Elm Tree will not be coming back . Either sale it or give to an Sheffield museum the Elm Tree is part of Manor Tops history.

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I'll have it?


This sign was on eBay a while back it is free standing had lights fittings at the top made of metal with light scroll work, at the base it had a ball of concrete. So its quite heavy to move I did consider it myself but practicality issues ended that idea. It might be possible to unbolt the sign itself from the frame then scrap the stand part. I believe the money raised from the sale went to some local charity.

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Guest makapaka
This sign was on eBay a while back it is free standing had lights fittings at the top made of metal with light scroll work, at the base it had a ball of concrete. So its quite heavy to move I did consider it myself but practicality issues ended that idea. It might be possible to unbolt the sign itself from the frame then scrap the stand part. I believe the money raised from the sale went to some local charity.


Glad it went to a good cause. Hopefully the sign will stay around.

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its not the free standing one its the one of the wall its 19" high and 8ft long and made out of wood


Sounds like it was the one that used to be on the end gable still worth hanging onto. I wounded what became of the free standing sign?

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One of my old pals dad used to paint pub signs. You don't get them like that any more!


Ture most signs now are made by computer graphics while OK never as good as an hand painted sign. A company in Sheffield used to make them for Stones and Wards breweries.

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