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As tragic as Daniel's death was, body piercing was not entirely responsible for it. Over two years later, there has still not been any proven link between his death and the studio that pierced his lip. I've read various articles on the matter where doctors suggest that Daniel's heart condition was a major factor in both his illness and death.


It is highly possible that Daniel could have contracted septicaemia through being pierced, but then again septicaemia can be contracted any way that this particular bacteria can get into the blood stream. If he had given himself a papercut and contracted it that way, would there be a call to ban paper? It might seem an absurd analogy, but there you go...


The information on Danaid needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. For example, it states that septicaemia is a blood borne pathogen that is transmitted in the same way as HIV and hepatitis. That's not true, and as far as I'm aware you can't "catch" it as the site implies. Someone may prove me wrong here though ;-)


My point at the end of the day is to take responsibility for your own actions. Check out the studios you plan to visit, get recommendations, do some research on contamination and how to avoid it. Oh, and if you know you have a life threatening heart condition it might be wise to actually let the piercer know.

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Another vote for Jayne at Feline.


Had about 8 piercings done by her, can't recommend her enough.


Van Shaik's (sp?) is actually ok too but I would prefer Feline.


Also, if people don't like piercings, fine. Don't have them. If others want them - let them, its not like its hurting YOU is it?

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Originally posted by slh73

Why not? Just because its something that you personally wouldnt want to do, doesnt mean that others think the same way you do.

Absolutely, which is why I asked the question. Why get your lip pierced? Does it not get in the way when eating/drinking/kissing? Just curious - that's all - no need to get all defensive!

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Originally posted by Norbo

Absolutely, which is why I asked the question. Why get your lip pierced? Does it not get in the way when eating/drinking/kissing? Just curious - that's all - no need to get all defensive!


In my experience it doesn't get in the way of anything at all, but I wear a labret stud in mine. The few times I have worn a ring in my lip, I had a dribbling problem when drinking because the ring didn't allow my mouth to make a perfect seal around the glass. With practice, that would have eventually stopped but I much prefer the look of the stud so it didn't really concern me too much!

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Oh someone has got on their high-horse havent they


I have piercings, I am not against piercings


However, the piercers are not medical experts, they dont bother to ask about your medical history in any detail (well mine didnt anyway when I had my various ones done) and most people wouldnt know that a heart condition is a serious problem with piercings.


So it is important that anyone thinking of having a piercing is alert to the possible downsides before they do it.


I turned out to be allergic to liquid spray antiseptic, it brought me out in a rash. The studio didnt even tell me this might happen, so I was a bit scared before I found out what it was and sorted it out.


I was attempting, by linking to Daniel's site, to raise awareness, which is the point of the website. People need to know what they are doing before they do it


Knowledge is power

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Originally posted by angel_b

As tragic as Daniel's death was, body piercing was not entirely responsible for it. Over two years later, there has still not been any proven link between his death and the studio that pierced his lip. I've read various articles on the matter where doctors suggest that Daniel's heart condition was a major factor in both his illness and death..



Oh and it is not "over two years" it is 14 months, and if memory serves me correctly, his inquest begins today. I expect it will get in the newspaper over the next few weeks.

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Originally posted by Belle

Oh someone has got on their high-horse havent they


Belle, I certainly hoped that's not aimed at me as I am most definitely not on my high horse - just on a mission to educate, like yourself.


I was attempting, by linking to Daniel's site, to raise awareness, which is the point of the website. People need to know what they are doing before they do it. Knowledge is power


I agree with you wholeheartedly and knowledge is indeed power, which is why I pointed out the information that I did. There are always two or more sides to a story. You presented one, I presented another. I'm not in opposition to you or anyone else on this matter - I'm merely providing people with information that may help them, just as you did.

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Oh, and if you know you have a life threatening heart condition it might be wise to actually let the piercer know.


Thats correct. To be honest, the piercer should ask you. It's only right that they take the time to go through the consent form with you, explaining everything and checking there are no medical reasons why a piercing may be harmful to that individual.


I used to work for Claire's Accessories and although they only do minor piercings such as lobe and cartilage on the ear, there are still very strict guidelines which piercers must adhere to. Any piercer who doesn't ask for your medical background/state of health isn't interested in giving you a professional piercing. (Which is what you want at the end of the day)


Also, no matter how much research you do into the piercing place, remember the piercer is the expert and the best person to ask is them! The best customers I've had are the ones who ask lots of questions, because they tend to take in the aftercare procedures more and don't come back with a problem.

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Originally posted by caprice

Also, no matter how much research you do into the piercing place, remember the piercer is the expert and the best person to ask is them! The best customers I've had are the ones who ask lots of questions, because they tend to take in the aftercare procedures more and don't come back with a problem.


Agreed - people need to take responsibility for their actions, do the research and ask the questions. I think the best thing I could do here is dig up an old debate between myself and Love Doctor, which some people may find interesting in this case.



Belle: I'm sorry I got the dates wrong, but don't really see what a difference it makes.

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Van Shaik's in hillsborough are very clean. many a hour under the tattoo gun a quite a few piercings later and i've never had a problem. they all know what they are doing, they're professional and helpful. i wont go anywhere else. Nick.

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