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Okay this is just a question about labret piercing. I thought I'd add it here rather than start another thread. ;)


I had my labret pierced yesterday with a barbell. Thing is the barbell feels quite tight on my lip and it is scratching against my teeth. I heard that this is normal as the barbell needs to be big to allow for swelling.


Also, the disc in my mouth is pressed firmly into my skin that it has flattened the skin and has, I dunno, torn the skin around it or something. Not that it hurts or anything but is this normal?


Also guys, anyone know how long you have to wait before you can change the barbell?? Thanks ;)

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Should be okay when swelling goes down, I have had a lip piercing for nearly ten years now and when I put a labret stud in it still sinks into the skin surrounding it. If in doubt go back to where you had it pierced and show them/ask their advice!!

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Your lip is swollen from the piercing. Give it a week for the swelling to go down, keep it clean (soak it in salt water, 1/4 teaspoon of salt to a mug of warm water, make sure its completely dissolved, twice a day), and see how it is in a week or so. Once the swellings gone, you should be ok to change the jewellery.

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