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Theresa May wants a fairer Britain

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Is Theresa May turning into Mother Theresa ?


I love the fact the right try and make out they are caring justice people her Birmingham speech had me in fits of laughter .Since when has the Tory's given a tosh about the poor the disabled and anyone else who didn't fit into the ' bigger picture' and the great Tory dream ?


Now wait for the right wingers to come out of the woodwork and defend ' thurder boots'.

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I get it. British jobs for British workers - Brexit means Immigration controls.


A lot of noise and wind on this subject keeps the conference happy. They will tell us that this is what the referendum was all about, and it may be true for a big minority. Delivering on this will not be easy.


But, does that mean they will keep the trade relations with Europe as little changed as possible. After all almost no-one said Brexit would improve our trading position in the whole. Did they?

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Is Theresa May turning into Mother Theresa ?


I love the fact the right try and make out they are caring justice people her Birmingham speech had me in fits of laughter .Since when has the Tory's given a tosh about the poor the disabled and anyone else who didn't fit into the ' bigger picture' and the great Tory dream ?


Now wait for the right wingers to come out of the woodwork and defend ' thurder boots'.


There are plenty of caring right wingers, there are plenty of right wingers and even Tories who donate time and money to charity, so when you have done with your deluded leftist generalisations, please explain what caring you do for the poor, the disabled or anyone else :suspect:

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Fairer Britain for fox hunters and Mike Ashley types.


Oh? Last election they won the most seats in parliament and the plurality of the vote.


Do you think every Tory voter is a fox-hunting Mike Ashley type?


What about the near 4m that voted for UKIP? The Thatcherite Party in other words.


Are all Labour voters war-mongering, head in the trough, Bernie Ecclestone serenading, champagne socialists?

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There are plenty of caring right wingers, there are plenty of right wingers and even Tories who donate time and money to charity, so when you have done with your deluded leftist generalisations, please explain what caring you do for the poor, the disabled or anyone else :suspect:


Well my right wing friend I do give to food banks , help out injured servicemen and many things in between . Tories only donate if their is something in return .


---------- Post added 05-10-2016 at 16:52 ----------


Oh? Last election they won the most seats in parliament and the plurality of the vote.


Do you think every Tory voter is a fox-hunting Mike Ashley type?


What about the near 4m that voted for UKIP? The Thatcherite Party in other words.


Are all Labour voters war-mongering, head in the trough, Bernie Ecclestone serenading, champagne socialists?


They won because people wanted out of the EU Cameron offered an chance to get out they took it and thanks Dave but theirs the door.

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But, does that mean they will keep the trade relations with Europe as little changed as possible.
(1) it's not their call to make, and therefore

(2) not a chance, because all that is coming out of No.10 for now is indeed...

British jobs for British workers


Of course, May might only just be setting up a "furthest-away", opening negotiating position (open with hard brexit, aim to end up at softish brexit)...but my reading of French, German and Benelux news today shows that this is just antagonising continentals even more than they already were. This won't end well.


Britain would be anything but fairer by the time populist, superliberal, nationalist policies of the type alluded to by May and Rudd are run through. 'Victorian' would be more apt.

Edited by L00b
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Well my right wing friend I do give to food banks , help out injured servicemen and many things in between . Tories only donate if their is something in return .


---------- Post added 05-10-2016 at 16:52 ----------



They won because people wanted out of the EU Cameron offered an chance to get out they took it and thanks Dave but theirs the door.


What a load of nonsense, I don't get into political debates on here because it's pointless but posts like this really annoy me. I don't belong to any party but if a general election was called tomorrow I would vote Tory they're the only stable party left in the country in my opinion.


Labour are a farce especially under Corbyn, I like the Lib Dems but to be fair I can't see them getting in as people are too stubborn to give them another chance.


Too many people treat political parties like football clubs they support one and it doesn't matter how crap they are and how good another party is they won't change their allegiance. Personally I vote for whoever I think will do the best job.

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What a load of nonsense, I don't get into political debates on here because it's pointless but posts like this really annoy me. I don't belong to any party but if a general election was called tomorrow I would vote Tory they're the only stable party left in the country in my opinion.


Labour are a farce especially under Corbyn, I like the Lib Dems but to be fair I can't see them getting in as people are too stubborn to give them another chance.


Too many people treat political parties like football clubs they support one and it doesn't matter how crap they are and how good another party is they won't change their allegiance. Personally I vote for whoever I think will do the best job.


I agree 100% (but I'd vote Lib Dem if there was an election tomorrow).


This thread, the OP, is virtue-signalling. Nothing more.

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