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Theresa May wants a fairer Britain

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Hard Brexit - hard times. Doesn't leave a lot to the imagination how they will be perceived.


It's interesting in the context of this discussion how the laws and society will be shaped after Article 50 is triggered.

A great deal of employment law, for example, was affected by the membership of the EU. How Theresa May tilts the balance between workers and employers will be a good example of her apparent commitment to fairness.

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What a load of nonsense, I don't get into political debates on here because it's pointless but posts like this really annoy me. I don't belong to any party but if a general election was called tomorrow I would vote Tory they're the only stable party left in the country in my opinion.


Labour are a farce especially under Corbyn, I like the Lib Dems but to be fair I can't see them getting in as people are too stubborn to give them another chance.


Too many people treat political parties like football clubs they support one and it doesn't matter how crap they are and how good another party is they won't change their allegiance. Personally I vote for whoever I think will do the best job.


Good post.


(however I can't claim the line )

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The new socialist liberal left wing green vegan labour party has left a huge gap for the tories to easily fill.


The conservatives can see that the working classes are looking for a new voice and the their new middle right policies will clean up at the next election. (Not in Sheffield though)


Goodbye Labour and hello to the all new powerful and rebranded Tories/UKIP

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The new socialist liberal left wing green vegan labour party has left a huge gap for the tories to easily fill.


The conservatives can see that the working classes are looking for a new voice and the their new middle right policies will clean up at the next election. (Not in Sheffield though)


Goodbye Labour and hello to the all new powerful and rebranded Tories/UKIP


Completely agree I'm concerned though I think a strong opposition is vitally important to keep any government in check. My main worry now is the Tories won't have a strong opposition.

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She's basically trying to fill the void left by the Tony Blair Labour gover mentioned now that JC has taken Labour to the far left, where it should be.


It doesn't leave many people left who want to vote for JC though if the tories are hoovering up ukip and new labour voters.

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