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Theresa May wants a fairer Britain

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Re: Trade relations with europe.




Brexit means Brexit - Leavers voted for a blank piece of paper and it will mean what the Government wants it to mean. They will negotiate whatever they think is acceptable or whatever they can get. Either way its their choice.


If its not their call, who's is it?




Do you want another referendum when the terms have been negotiated?

It's not their call, because the EU 27 have their own say and at least as much influence as the UK about what these trade relations will be.


Sod all to do with another referendum or not (about which I couldn't give two figs anyway).


You are in danger of exhibiting too much insularity in your outlook. Like many (most?) Leavers. Or perhaps you are a Leaver? (makes no difference)

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Theresa May wants a fairer Britain? So it's not just me then?


Well she's saying all the right things, but will she ever follow through with the right action? Somehow I doubt it. She's a very shrewd politician and IMO is simply making a play for the centre ground. Once she thinks she has it, her plans will probably evaporate. But let's give her the benefit of the doubt for the moment and see how she develops.


However, whatever happens, she has at least highlighted some of the glaring inequalities in Britain today.

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Completely agree I'm concerned though I think a strong opposition is vitally important to keep any government in check. My main worry now is the Tories won't have a strong opposition.


While ever comrade Corbyn continues to turn Labour into a far left raving mad socialist party , the Tories have no opposition what so ever.

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Theresa May wants a fairer Britain? So it's not just me then?


Well she's saying all the right things, but will she ever follow through with the right action? Somehow I doubt it. She's a very shrewd politician and IMO is simply making a play for the centre ground. Once she thinks she has it, her plans will probably evaporate. But let's give her the benefit of the doubt for the moment and see how she develops.


However, whatever happens, she has at least highlighted some of the glaring inequalities in Britain today.


Just business as usual then ?

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Theresa May wants a fairer Britain? So it's not just me then?


Well she's saying all the right things, but will she ever follow through with the right action? Somehow I doubt it. She's a very shrewd politician and IMO is simply making a play for the centre ground. Once she thinks she has it, her plans will probably evaporate. But let's give her the benefit of the doubt for the moment and see how she develops.


However, whatever happens, she has at least highlighted some of the glaring inequalities in Britain today.


Every new Tory leader says the same rubbish, "one nation" "caring conservatism" etc etc but the first, very first thing Cameron's govt tried to do, before dealing with the NHS, crumbling schools, inequality, lack of housing etc etc was to try and bring back fox hunting. Some priority eh?


Then May bangs on about a govt for all, a few weeks later her home secretary is telling businesses that they'll have to register their foreign workers so they can be named and shamed. What next, yellow stars?

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Theresa May wants a fairer Britain? So it's not just me then?


Well she's saying all the right things, but will she ever follow through with the right action? Somehow I doubt it. She's a very shrewd politician and IMO is simply making a play for the centre ground. Once she thinks she has it, her plans will probably evaporate. But let's give her the benefit of the doubt for the moment and see how she develops.



She has become Prime Minister, and I am not aware of her successes, can someone post them here?

She was the foreign secretary and she failed to reduce immigration(in fact it increased) and she was summoned to number 10 because of "unacceptable" queues that built up at Heathrow border controls.


The press are being very nice to her at the moment.



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She has become Prime Minister, and I am not aware of her successes, can someone post them here?

She was the foreign secretary and she failed to reduce immigration(in fact it increased) and she was summoned to number 10 because of "unacceptable" queues that built up at Heathrow border controls.


The press are being very nice to her at the moment.




Her only success so far is coming up from the back of the field, against the odds, to become Prime Minister. Who'd have thought it?


Now I'm not sure if it simply fell into her lap because the other contenders committed political Hari-Kari and she was the last one standing, or if she somehow managed to manipulate it. However her demeanor has been terribly gracious and condescending. I don't trust her one bit....

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