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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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Where are links to these figures- the one's that aren't council figures?


From homeless.org.uk




You'll need to select Yorkshire and Humber from the drop down menu and then you can see figures for Sheffield. Although looking again this data is from the Council so meh.


The BMJ has this report, hard to read though but implies 340 homeless?



A report about hidden homelessness:



From what I know, anyone who is COMPLETELY homeless, sleeping on the streets with nowhere to go will be a priority case for temporary rehousing. There is little argument from charities that people who are completely homeless ARE NOT being offered accommodation of some sort but the problem is that the accommodation may be unsuitable for the person or the person may have mental health or physical health reasons why they cannot move into a property that has been offered. You cannot fix homelessness by just giving a roof over someone's head, the reasons for sleeping rough are far more complex than just not having somewhere to stay, and it's this side that tends to get ignored. The number of people who are sleeping rough is tiny, but there is a bigger problem with people sleeping in insecure housing, or staying someone where they are abused etc. These people are not in the numbers but will probably an order of magnitude higher.

Edited by sgtkate
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I've had people approach me inside the train station before. I was waiting in their for someone, for around half an hour, and I just watched this one man milling his was through the station's foyer just asking people if they had any change. He came up to me and asked me once, then ten mins later he came and asked me again.


I see a few homeless people selling Big Issue which is totally fine, and some that just sit or ask for money politely but I hate it when people just pester you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Watched a programme about a couple in Bristol who made a lot of money begging but used it to feed their drug habit,they slept and begged in a car park,watching the public give them money which causes them to carry on the habit needs to stop.

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On my way to work I regularly see 3 people sleeping on the street. It must be such a stressful and depressing experience.

Anyone of us could have a breakdown or have family & friends that aren't around - so we could end up on the street....awful really

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On my way to work I regularly see 3 people sleeping on the street. It must be such a stressful and depressing experience.

Anyone of us could have a breakdown or have family & friends that aren't around - so we could end up on the street....awful really

I'm with Mr M on this, but that doesn't mean that most beggars aren't thieving smack rats with no more right to a place on God's clean earth than a louse. The tragically unfortunate exceptions prove the rule and I shall certainly keep on handing out the occasional cheese sandwich.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just for a bit of balance - there have been a number of reports in the press about the kindness of homeless people: here's one of them




Yes, there are some homeless that aren't so thoughtful or public spirited. But there again there are people with roofs over their heads and plenty of money that are tossers.

So when people, including those who say they work with the homeless, do them down - just remember, they are people, and have many admirable qualities about them.


---------- Post added 15-12-2017 at 21:59 ----------


True, unfortunately, but


does not follow automatically. That is not necessarily caused by a breakdown, mental or familial.


You're quite right Jeffrey, homelessness isn't always caused by breakdowns - though if someone hasn't got mental health problems before they're homeless, they're more likely to as a consequence of being homeless.

Edited by Mister M
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