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Beggars, homeless, street drinkers & drug users in Sheffield!

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"Senistive subject" I am not so sure about. Lets be frank. This is not a new story. Beggars and Homeless people have been part of society since year dot.



Which is relevant how? Do subjects become immune from being sensitive with the passage of time? Is it OK to make fun of overweight people as they've 'been around since year dot'?

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Nothing like a bit of old fashioned stereotyping is there...?


Very true. Stereotypes are stereotypes because they are based in fact no matter how much we dislike the facts. Perhaps you meant something else that's not a stereotype, like a cliche, or maybe typecasting, but if I had been using those I wouldn't have written "but at least some kids".


You know what I hate apart from typecasting? I hate it when groups of people think that they have a monopoly on virtue, it's such a hackneyed cliche of the left who can't see that they do hate so much better than the rest.

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Very true. Stereotypes are stereotypes because they are based in fact no matter how much we dislike the facts. Perhaps you meant something else that's not a stereotype, like a cliche, or maybe typecasting, but if I had been using those I wouldn't have written "but at least some kids".


You know what I hate apart from typecasting? I hate it when groups of people think that they have a monopoly on virtue, it's such a hackneyed cliche of the left who can't see that they do hate so much better than the rest.


I don't think any one group has a monopoly on virtue, or all the answers either...and in fairness there are politicians, pundits and journalists on the political right whose sanctimony and finger wagging would make God feel inferior.

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I don't think any one group has a monopoly on virtue, or all the answers either


You are absolutely right.


You wouldn't think it though. The problem with much of the left is that they don't really love the poor, they just hate the people with more than themselves. It's an old observation but it still holds true and it's very applicable to this thread.

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You are absolutely right.


You wouldn't think it though. The problem with much of the left is that they don't really love the poor, they just hate the people with more than themselves. It's an old observation but it still holds true and it's very applicable to this thread.


It'd be a bit of a stretch to say that any political party or pressure group 'loves' those that they traditionally represent. Up until Margaret Thatcher, the Tory Party, post war onwards, had at best an awkward relationship with its core voters.


Obviously I can't speak for all left wingers, but I don't hate people with more money than myself; mainly because having a lot of money isn't a motivating factor in my life. But I don't like gross unfairness, and I think it's a shame that when political parties fight like cat and dog to get elected, when in Government they don't use that power to change the lives of those on the bottom rung of the ladder; who need Government more than anybody else.

It's self evident to me that the politics of envy applies more to those who covet other's wealth; and if the idea behind the seven deadly sins is right, envy is tied up with greed.

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It's self evident to me that the politics of envy applies more to those who covet other's wealth; and if the idea behind the seven deadly sins is right, envy is tied up with greed.


Aside from it being self evident I tend to agree with you there on behaviour, but I perhaps look at it a different way as to the cause. I'm a little fatalistic about human nature in general because I've not really seen any evidence that we as a species can break our programming en-mass. The genetic desire to succeed and use others to elevate yourself (call it greed if you like) and prosper has all sorts of outlets, but whether you desire money, status or being an SF moderator, it's the same essential thing at work and every single one of us suffers from it, no exceptions.


That's not to say that individual actions aren't important at bringing about change, but change needs to be something that works for the group if it is to succeed. It's why I'm so scornful of authoritarian socialism beyond caring for those who need a bit or even a lot of help for whatever reason. Marxism, collectivism, communism, etc, has simply never worked and it never can while there is another one who thinks that their particular faction is worth a bullet in his friend's head.


Now, just as then; et tu Brute?


It's an interesting topic that would make a good discussion if it didn't get derailed into the usual guff. This isn't the place for it but I do appreciate this small opportunity to pass a few moments discussing it with you respectfully. :)

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Aside from it being self evident I tend to agree with you there on behaviour, but I perhaps look at it a different way as to the cause. I'm a little fatalistic about human nature in general because I've not really seen any evidence that we as a species can break our programming en-mass. The genetic desire to succeed and use others to elevate yourself (call it greed if you like) and prosper has all sorts of outlets, but whether you desire money, status or being an SF moderator, it's the same essential thing at work and every single one of us suffers from it, no exceptions.


That's not to say that individual actions aren't important at bringing about change, but change needs to be something that works for the group if it is to succeed. It's why I'm so scornful of authoritarian socialism beyond caring for those who need a bit or even a lot of help for whatever reason. Marxism, collectivism, communism, etc, has simply never worked and it never can while there is another one who thinks that their particular faction is worth a bullet in his friend's head.


Now, just as then; et tu Brute?


It's an interesting topic that would make a good discussion if it didn't get derailed into the usual guff. This isn't the place for it but I do appreciate this small opportunity to pass a few moments discussing it with you respectfully. :)

.........excellent post!
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